Interface CustomerRequestCreateMeta

@PublicApi public interface CustomerRequestCreateMeta
Present a list of fields used to create a customer request. Note that list of fields eligible are varied by logging in user's permission and/or request type's field configuration.
  • Method Details

    • requestTypeFields

      List<RequestTypeField> requestTypeFields()
      List of RequestTypeField configured under a RequestType is used to create a customer request. This is a list of fields that are visible for input, regardless it's mandatory or optional. Fields configured with preset values are excluded from the the result set.
    • canRaiseOnBehalfOf

      boolean canRaiseOnBehalfOf()
      True if the logging in user can create a request on behalf of other user.
    • canAddRequestParticipants

      boolean canAddRequestParticipants()
      True if the logging in user can create a request with other users as participants.