Interface TimeMetricHitCondition

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@PublicSpi public interface TimeMetricHitCondition extends TimeMetricCondition
An SLA condition can evaluate issue state
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    evaluate(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, SLAChangeEvent event)
    Evaluate the condition for a given issue and event
    evaluateFromIssueHistory(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, org.joda.time.DateTime since, org.joda.time.DateTime until)
    Digs through issue history after a given moment in time when the condition matched the issue.
    getHistory(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, org.joda.time.DateTime until)
    Digs through issue history to reconstruct when the condition matched the issue.
    Get the unique id for this condition
    getNameHtml(com.atlassian.jira.util.I18nHelper i18n)
    Get the name of this condition

    Methods inherited from interface com.atlassian.servicedesk.spi.sla.condition.TimeMetricCondition

  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      Get the unique id for this condition
    • getNameHtml

      String getNameHtml(com.atlassian.jira.util.I18nHelper i18n)
      Get the name of this condition
    • evaluate

      HitEvent evaluate(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, SLAChangeEvent event)
      Evaluate the condition for a given issue and event
      issue - an up-to-date issue object
      event - a change event
      a HitEvent
    • getHistory

      HitConditionHistory getHistory(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, org.joda.time.DateTime until)
      Digs through issue history to reconstruct when the condition matched the issue.
      issue - an up-to-date issue object
      until - process all change items before or equal to this date and time
      a list of timestamped changes to this hit condition, for this issue, up to the 'until' date, ordered by date
    • evaluateFromIssueHistory

      HitConditionHistory evaluateFromIssueHistory(com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue, org.joda.time.DateTime since, org.joda.time.DateTime until)
      Digs through issue history after a given moment in time when the condition matched the issue.
      issue - an up-to-date issue object
      since - process all change items after this date and time
      until - process all change items before or equal to this date and time
      a list of timestamped changes to this hit condition, for this issue, between the 'since' and 'until' dates, ordered by date