

HipChat supports authenticating with OAUTH2 tokens using the X-HIPCHAT-OAUTH2 SASL mechanism.


For a technical description of SASL see RFC 4422. For its use in XMPP see RFC 6120 §6.

To authenticate with OAUTH2 you will need a token with at least the view_group scope. If OAUTH2 is supported, the stream features will contain an auth element qualified by the namespace:

  <auth xmlns=""/>

To initiate X-HIPCHAT-OAUTH2 SASL auth the client passes up \x00 + token + \x00 + resource as a Base64 encoded string as part of the SASL client first message:

<!-- Client -->
<auth xmlns="" node="" ver="22" mechanism="oauth2">AGdhcnJldEBoaXBjaGF0LmNvbQBnYXJyZXQAdGVzdA==</auth>

Note the additional “mechanism” attribute. The server then responds with success or an error, as usual:

<success xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" jid="" api_host="" chat_host="" muc_host="" web_host=""/>


HipChat uses OAuth 2 Tokens for access to many services (such as for API calls or XMPP authentication when a password is not available). Tokens may be requested or revoked via XMPP by making special IQ requests to the server:

To request an auth token, you may send a query qualified with the namespace to the conference entity. This will return a <token/> element which contains the token iteself and some metadata about the token. For example:

<!-- Client -->
<iq type='get' id='1' to=''>
  <query xmlns='' />

<!-- Server -->
<iq type='result' from='' id='1' to=''>
  <query xmlns=''>
    <token expiration='1395755218' ttl='3600'>EXSFBabokEfqKS9</token>

Whenever an account is disassociated from a client (eg. the account is deleted from the clients list of accounts), any associated oauth tokens should be invalidated. This can be done by sending a query similar to the following:

<!-- Client -->
<iq type="set" id="1">
  <query xmlns="" action="delete">

<!-- Server -->
<iq type='result' from='' id='1' to='' />

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