Package com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.git.command.diff
package com.atlassian.bitbucket.scm.git.command.diff
-specific extension of the generalChangeType
enumeration more tightly linked to its change output.Extends thediff-core builder
with options specific togit diff
.Enumerates the possible modes forgit diff-core --color
.GitDiffCoreBuilder<B extends GitDiffCoreBuilder<B>>Defines headers which may appear ingit diff
output.Defines the type of data which is provided by a givenGitDiffHeader
.Enumerates output modes fordiff-core
commands likediff
.Enumerates the possible modes for rename detection ingit diff-core
-specific extension of the generalDiffSegmentType
enumeration bound more tightly to standard diff core output.Possible targets for diff-related data.A flag for indicating how whitespace should be handled in a diff, such as beingignored