Interface MinimalRef

All Known Subinterfaces:
Branch, MinimalRepositoryRef, PullRequestRef, Ref, RepositoryRef, Tag
All Known Implementing Classes:
SimpleMinimalRef, SimpleMinimalRepositoryRef, SimpleRepositoryRef

public interface MinimalRef
A minimal abstraction for a ref within a Repository, describing only the ref's name.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    An identifier for this reference suitable for display to end users.
    The absolute identifier of this reference, which should never be ambiguous within the backing Repository.
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayId

      @Nonnull String getDisplayId()
      An identifier for this reference suitable for display to end users.

      No guarantees are made as to how this identifier differs from getId()--they may be identical or not, at the whim of the underlying SCM implementation. In practise, however, the returned identifier should be sensible for users familiar with the underlying SCM.

      the reference's display identifier
    • getId

      @Nonnull String getId()
      The absolute identifier of this reference, which should never be ambiguous within the backing Repository.

      When performing operations which accept a commit ID, this is the value that should be used to ensure there are no ambiguities. Using getDisplayId() may result in unexpected behaviour.

      the reference's absolute identifier
    • getType

      @Nonnull RefType getType()
      the type of ref