Class PullRequestFinishReviewRequest


public class PullRequestFinishReviewRequest extends Object
Describes a request to finish a review on a PullRequest.
  • Method Details

    • getCommentText

      @Nullable public String getCommentText()
      Get the comment text that will be used for a general comment that is added to the pull request when you complete a review.
      the comment text or null if there is no comment text
    • getLastReviewedCommit

      @Nullable public String getLastReviewedCommit()
      Get the last commit that was reviewed for the pull request when you complete a review, if provided. If the pull request's latest commit does not match with the provided last reviewed commit, a PullRequestOutOfDateException will be thrown to indicate that the finish review was requested on stale data.
      the last reviewed commit or null if not provided
      8.9.18, 8.19.7, 9.0.1, 9.1
    • getParticipantStatus

      @Nullable public PullRequestParticipantStatus getParticipantStatus()
      Get the participant status to be used as the status for a reviewer's status on a pull request when you complete a review.
      the participant status or null if there is no participant status
    • getPullRequest

      @Nonnull public PullRequest getPullRequest()
      Get the pull request that is used for the review.
      the pull request
    • getVersion

      @Deprecated public int getVersion()
      in 8.9.18, 8.19.7, 9.0.1, 9.1 use lastReviewedCommit instead
      Retrieves the expected version for the pull request, if provided. If the pull request's actual version does not match, a PullRequestOutOfDateException will be thrown to indicate that the finish review was requested on stale data. In 9.0, this field will be required.
      the pull request version in review, or -1 if not provided
      7.17.21, 7.21.17, 8.9.6, 8.10.6, 8.11.5, 8.12.3, 8.13.2, 8.14.1, 8.15