Class JiraSetupException

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ApplicationTypeNotInstalledException, IncorrectApplicationBaseUrlException, JiraUserCredentialsException, NotAJiraServerException

public class JiraSetupException extends RuntimeException
Used to indicate something has gone wrong with the creation of the Jira Application Link and/or creation of the Jira Crowd configuration.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JiraSetupException

      public JiraSetupException(String prettyUserMessage)
      prettyUserMessage - a message for display in the UI that will contain a brief description of the problem and the next steps the user should take.
    • JiraSetupException

      public JiraSetupException(String prettyUserMessage, Throwable cause)
      prettyUserMessage - a message for display in the UI that will contain a brief description of the problem and the next steps the user should take.
      cause - the nested exception that is or contains the root cause of the problem