Interface PermissionModificationRequestedEvent

All Superinterfaces:
CancelableEvent, CancelState
All Known Implementing Classes:
GlobalPermissionModificationRequestedEvent, ProjectPermissionModificationRequestedEvent, RepositoryPermissionModificationRequestedEvent

public interface PermissionModificationRequestedEvent extends CancelableEvent
This event is raised before a user or group's permission is modified. This event is synchronous, allowing listeners to perform operations in the same database transaction where the permission is modified.

This event is cancelable. A listener may prevent the permission from being modified by canceling this event. Throwing an exception will not prevent the permission from being modified; the exception will be logged and ignored.

  • Method Details

    • getNewValue

      @Nonnull Permission getNewValue()
      the new permission replacing the previous value
    • getOldValue

      @Nonnull Permission getOldValue()
      the old permission being replaced