Class GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
CancelableEvent, PermissionGrantRequestedEvent, CancelState, Serializable

@TransactionAware(IMMEDIATE) public class GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent extends GlobalPermissionEvent implements PermissionGrantRequestedEvent
This event is raised before a user or group are granted a global permission. This event is synchronous, allowing listeners to perform operations in the same database transaction where the permission is granted.

This event is cancelable. A listener may prevent the permission from being granted by canceling this event. Throwing an exception will not prevent the permission from being granted; the exception will be logged and ignored.

This event is internally audited with CoverageLevel.BASE level.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent

      public GlobalPermissionGrantRequestedEvent(@Nonnull Object source, @Nonnull Permission permission, @Nullable String affectedGroup, @Nullable ApplicationUser affectedUser, @Nonnull CancelState cancelState)
  • Method Details

    • cancel

      public void cancel(@Nonnull KeyedMessage message)
      Description copied from interface: CancelState
      Cancels the operation, providing a message explaining why.

      The cancellation message is required, and should be as descriptive and clear as possible to allow end users to correct, if possible, the issue that triggered cancellation.

      Specified by:
      cancel in interface CancelState
      message - a descriptive message explaining why the operation has been canceled
    • isCanceled

      public boolean isCanceled()
      Description copied from interface: CancelState
      Retrieves a flag indicating whether the operation has been canceled.

      In situations where multiple observers have the option to cancel an operation, for example when multiple listeners receive the same CancelableEvent, this flag can be useful for determining that another observer has already canceled the operation.

      Specified by:
      isCanceled in interface CancelState
      true if the operation has been canceled; otherwise, false