


GitAgent Describes an interface for performing operations against a git repository. 
GitIntegrityCheckCommandFactory The Git SCM centric implementation of the PluginIntegrityCheckCommandFactory interface 
GitScm Provides functionality for interacting with Git repositories, exposing factories which can be used to retrieve ready-built commands for performing well-known operations as well as a builder factory which can be used to assemble custom commands. 
GitScmConfig Provides access to the configuration for the git SCM. 


GitObjectType Defines the types of objects which may be returned by git cat-file -t
GitRefPattern Enumeration of standard git ref patterns, with additional logic to help apply standard git precedence and to produce both qualified and unqualified refs for given input. 


GitDetachedHeadException Exception thrown to indicate the bare clone backing a repository has a detached HEAD, which is an unsupported configuration. 
GitNotFoundException Thrown when the git binary is not installed on the system. 
GitRepositoryLayoutException Thrown when a repository operation fails because the layout of the repository on disk does not follow the expected format. 