public interface



Class Overview

Allows an SCM to obtain additional information required to perform integrity checks


Public Methods
@Nonnull OptionalLong getLatestPullRequestId(Repository repository)
Allows SCMs to obtain the highest / latest pull request found in the database
@Nonnull Stream<Repository> getRepositories()
Allows SCMs to request a Stream stream of repositories to check for consistency.

Public Methods

@Nonnull public OptionalLong getLatestPullRequestId (Repository repository)

Allows SCMs to obtain the highest / latest pull request found in the database

repository the target repository
  • the ID of the latest pull request, or empty() if none have been created

@Nonnull public Stream<Repository> getRepositories ()

Allows SCMs to request a Stream stream of repositories to check for consistency.

Note: This will only return repositories that belong to the current SCM. SCMs implementations will not receive repositories they do not support.
