@AsynchronousPreferred public class


extends PullRequestEvent
   ↳ java.util.EventObject
     ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.ApplicationEvent
       ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
         ↳ com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.pull.PullRequestRescopedEvent

Class Overview

Event that is raised when the ref for the source-branch and/or the target-branch of a pull request is updated. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the list of commits that the pull request covers will change.


Inherited Fields
From class java.util.EventObject
Public Constructors
PullRequestRescopedEvent(Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, String previousFromHash, String previousToHash)
PullRequestRescopedEvent(Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, String previousFromHash, String previousToHash, RescopeDetails addedCommits, RescopeDetails removedCommits)
Public Methods
@Nullable RescopeDetails getAddedCommits()
@Nonnull String getPreviousFromHash()
@Nonnull String getPreviousToHash()
@Nullable RescopeDetails getRemovedCommits()
boolean isFromHashUpdated()
boolean isToHashUpdated()
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
From class com.atlassian.bitbucket.event.ApplicationEvent
From class java.util.EventObject
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public PullRequestRescopedEvent (Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, String previousFromHash, String previousToHash)

public PullRequestRescopedEvent (Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, String previousFromHash, String previousToHash, RescopeDetails addedCommits, RescopeDetails removedCommits)

Public Methods

@Nullable public RescopeDetails getAddedCommits ()

  • details about what commits, if any were added to the scope of the pull request. The commits list is limited for performance reasons. Use getTotal() ()} to determine the total number of commits that were added to the scope of the pull request. If more commits were added to the scope than are returned in this list, the list will contain the most recent commits that were added. Returns null if the scope change hasn't been determined.

@Nonnull public String getPreviousFromHash ()

@Nonnull public String getPreviousToHash ()

@Nullable public RescopeDetails getRemovedCommits ()

  • details about what commits, if any were removed from the scope of the pull request. The commits list is limited for performance reasons. Use getTotal() ()} to determine the total number of commits that were removed from the scope of the pull request. If more commits were removed from the scope than are returned in this list, the list will contain the most recent commits that were removed. Returns null if the scope change hasn't been determined.

public boolean isFromHashUpdated ()

  • true if the from-hash has been updated in this scope change. false otherwise

public boolean isToHashUpdated ()

  • true if the to-hash has been updated in this scope change. false otherwise