* Provides functions for making requests to the server.
* These functions will handle any generic error handling, such as server down, or session timed out, for you.
* NOTE: This module is highly dependent on the version of jQuery that is being used. We may upgrade jQuery at any time,
* and this will affect the behavior of this module.
* **Web Resource:** com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.bitbucket-web-api:server
* @module bitbucket/util/server
* @namespace bitbucket/util/server
import AJS from '@atlassian/aui';
import $ from 'jquery';
import _ from 'lodash';
import nav from 'bitbucket/util/navbuilder';
import pageState from 'bitbucket/internal/model/page-state';
import errorUtil from 'bitbucket/internal/util/error';
import fn from 'bitbucket/internal/util/function';
import ErrorDialog from 'bitbucket/internal/widget/error-dialog/error-dialog';
timeout: 60000,
* Return a promise resolved with an empty REST page
* @returns {Promise}
const createEmptyPage = () =>
.resolve({ start: 0, size: 0, values: [], isLastPage: true })
const method = {
var errorDialogIsOpen = false;
function afterCountdown($countdownTimeHolder, intervalMs, endDate, afterCountdownFunc) {
var now = new Date();
if (now < endDate) {
var onSecondsChanged = function() {
var secondsLeft = Math.ceil((+endDate - +new Date()) / intervalMs);
if (secondsLeft <= 0) {
} else {
var intervalId = setInterval(onSecondsChanged, intervalMs);
} else {
function hideUntilCountdown($el, $replacementEl, $countdownTimeHolder, intervalMs, endDate) {
var now = new Date();
if (now < endDate) {
afterCountdown($countdownTimeHolder, intervalMs, endDate, function() {
* Adds on global error handling to an ajax request.
* If the ajax request returns with global errors, they will be displayed to the user, and the xhr promise will be rejected.
* If the error is something that can be fixed with a retry, the error will be displayed, but the xhr promise will NOT be resolved or rejected.
* Instead, progress callbacks will be called with 'stalled' as the argument. If the user attempts a retry, progress
* callbacks will be called with 'unstalled' and the result of a retry request will be used to resolve or reject the original xhr promise.
* @private
* @param jqXhr - The ajax request to handle global errors for.
* @param ajaxOptions - The options object used in the call to $.ajax. These options are reused if the request needs to be retried.
function ajaxPipe(jqXhr, ajaxOptions, statusHandlers, isRest) {
var pipedXhr;
var latestXhr;
var latestAbort;
function updateLatest(jqXhr) {
latestXhr = jqXhr;
latestAbort = latestXhr.abort;
latestXhr.abort = abort;
function abort() {
latestAbort.apply(latestXhr, arguments);
function handleError(error, data, textStatus, jqXhr, errorThrown, ajaxOptions, isRest) {
if (error.shouldLogin) {
// Ideally at this point we want to run as little code as we can to redirect to the log in page ASAP
// with as little interference as possible.
window.onbeforeunload = null;
window.location.href = nav
return $.Deferred(); // don't resolve|reject
if (data) {
delete data.errors;
var errorDialog;
if (!errorDialogIsOpen) {
errorDialog = new ErrorDialog();
var deferredToReturn =
error.shouldRetry && !errorDialogIsOpen
? $.Deferred()
: $.Deferred().rejectWith(this, [
if (!errorDialogIsOpen) {
var extraPanelContent = '';
var needsRetryCountdown = false;
var errorHtml = bitbucket.internal.widget.errorContent(error);
errorDialog.addHideListener(function() {
errorDialogIsOpen = false;
var dialogOptions = {
id: 'ajax-error',
titleText: error.title,
titleClass: error.titleClass || 'error-header',
showCloseButton: _.isUndefined(error.canClose) ? true : error.canClose,
closeOnOutsideClick: false,
if (error.fallbackUrl) {
dialogOptions.okButtonText = AJS.escapeHtml(error.fallbackTitle);
errorDialog.addOkListener(function(e) {
window.location.href = error.fallbackUrl;
} else if (error.shouldReload) {
dialogOptions.okButtonText = AJS.escapeHtml(
errorDialog.addOkListener(function(e) {
} else if (error.shouldRetry) {
if (error.retryAfterDate) {
if (+error.retryAfterDate - +new Date() > 60 * 60 * 1000) {
extraPanelContent = AJS.I18n.getText('bitbucket.web.retry.later');
} else {
needsRetryCountdown = true;
dialogOptions.okButtonText = AJS.escapeHtml(
var retryXhr;
errorDialog.addOkListener(function(e) {
retryXhr = ajax(ajaxOptions, isRest);
// pipe results from the retryXhr straight to the deferredToReturn
retryXhr.done(function() {
return deferredToReturn.resolveWith(this, arguments);
retryXhr.fail(function() {
return deferredToReturn.rejectWith(this, arguments);
errorDialog.addHideListener(function() {
if (deferredToReturn.state() === 'pending' && !retryXhr) {
deferredToReturn.rejectWith(this, [jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown, data]);
} else {
// if the Ok button doesn't do anything but close the dialog, hide the second Close button.
dialogOptions.showCloseButton = false;
dialogOptions.panelContent = '<p>' + errorHtml + extraPanelContent + '</p>';
setTimeout(() => {
// Allow open dialogs to close before showing the new error dialog
}, 0);
errorDialogIsOpen = true;
if (needsRetryCountdown) {
var intervalMs;
var retryInHtml;
if (+error.retryAfterDate - +new Date() > 60 * 1000) {
retryInHtml = AJS.I18n.getText(
intervalMs = 60 * 1000;
} else {
retryInHtml = AJS.I18n.getText(
intervalMs = 1000;
var $retryMessage = $('<span>' + retryInHtml + '</span>');
var $intervalHolder = $retryMessage.children('time').children();
return deferredToReturn;
function xhrPipe(data, textStatus, jqXhr, errorThrown, customHandler, fallbackFunc) {
var error = isRest
? errorUtil.getDominantRESTError(data, jqXhr)
: errorUtil.getDominantAJAXError(jqXhr);
var handleErrors = true;
if (customHandler) {
var ret = customHandler(error);
// custom handler can return a deferred which will be piped through. We won't handle errors
if (ret && typeof ret.promise === 'function') {
return ret.promise(jqXhr);
// custom handler can return a replacement error object which will replace the one we generate
if (ret && _.isObject(ret)) {
error = ret;
// if the custom handler returns false, we won't handle errors,
// and will simply fallback to normal behavior
handleErrors = ret !== false;
if (handleErrors && error) {
return handleError(error, data, textStatus, jqXhr, errorThrown, ajaxOptions, isRest);
return fallbackFunc();
function getStatusHandler(status) {
var customHandler = statusHandlers[status];
if (customHandler == null) {
customHandler = statusHandlers['*'];
if (typeof customHandler === 'function') {
return customHandler;
// Allow status handlers to be non-functions (ie false), which should always be returned
return fn.constant(customHandler);
function done(data, textStatus, jqXhr) {
var self = this;
var customHandler = getStatusHandler(jqXhr.status);
var callCustomHandler = customHandler
? _.bind(customHandler, self, data, textStatus, jqXhr)
: null;
return xhrPipe(data, textStatus, jqXhr, null, callCustomHandler, function() {
return $.Deferred().resolveWith(self, [data, textStatus, jqXhr]);
function fail(jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var self = this;
var data = jqXhr.responseText;
try {
data = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (e) {
/* ignore */
var customHandler = getStatusHandler(jqXhr.status);
var callCustomHandler = customHandler
? _.bind(customHandler, self, jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown, data)
: null;
return xhrPipe(data, textStatus, jqXhr, errorThrown, callCustomHandler, function() {
return $.Deferred().rejectWith(self, [jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown, data]);
pipedXhr = jqXhr.then(done, fail);
// return the original xhr, but with the piped done|fail|notify methods.
return pipedXhr.promise(jqXhr);
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {boolean} internalIsRest
function ajaxInternal(options, internalIsRest) {
var statusHandlers;
if (options.statusCode) {
statusHandlers = options.statusCode;
delete options.statusCode;
statusHandlers = statusHandlers || {};
var xhr = ajaxPipe($.ajax(options), options, statusHandlers, internalIsRest);
xhr.statusCode = function(map) {
if (map) {
if (xhr.state() === 'pending') {
$.extend(statusHandlers, map);
} else {
for (var prop in map) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
'xhr.statusCode() should not be called after the request has completed. ' +
'Your handler will have no affect on the resolution of the request.'
var tmp = map[xhr.status];
xhr.then(tmp, tmp);
return xhr;
* This function closely resembles the jQuery.ajax() function with a few notable exceptions.
* First, it only accepts the options signature - all options including `url` must be included on the options object.
* Second, it adds default error handling for all HTTP error codes and for cases where logged in state changes.
* Third, it overrides the `statusCode` option to allow you to specify your own error handling per-HTTP code.
* @memberOf bitbucket/util/server
* @example
* require('bitbucket/util/server').ajax({
* url : '/plugins/servlet/my-plugin'
* statusCode : {
* 400 : false, // do not do any default handling for HTTP 400
* 404 : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown, dominantError) {
* // return false; // do not handle this by default
* // return myDeferred.promise(); // resolve the request with my custom promise
* return { shouldReload : true }; // open a dialog requesting the user to reload the page.
* }
* }
* });
* @param {Object} options - A map of option values. All options accepted by jQuery.ajax are accepted here.
* @returns {jqXHR} - A jQuery XHR object.
function ajax(options) {
return ajaxInternal(options);
* This function builds on {@link bitbucket/util/server.ajax} to add some defaults. It will:
* - Default the content type and Accept header to JSON (but this can be overridden).
* - Add X-AUSERNAME and X-AUSERID headers for the current user, so the server knows which user we are attempting to make the request as.
* - Stringify any JSON objects passed through the `data` option.
* - Adds a fourth argument to the success handler that contains the JSON object parsed from the response body.
* - Adds a fourth argument to the error handler that contains a description of how the error would have been handled by default.
* @memberOf bitbucket/util/server
* @example
* require('bitbucket/util/server').rest({
* type : 'DELETE',
* url : '/rest/my-plugin/latest/things/1'
* statusCode : {
* 404 : function() {
* return $.Deferred().resolve('Already deleted.');
* }
* }
* });
* @param {Object} options - See {@link bitbucket/util/server.ajax} for a description of the accepted options.
* @returns {jqXHR} - A jQuery XHR object.
function rest(options) {
var headers = {};
if (pageState.getCurrentUser()) {
headers['X-AUSERNAME'] = pageState.getCurrentUser().getName();
headers['X-AUSERID'] = pageState.getCurrentUser().getId();
options = $.extend(
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
headers: headers,
jsonp: false,
type: 'GET',
if (
options.type.toUpperCase() !== 'GET' &&
($.isPlainObject(options.data) || $.isArray(options.data))
) {
options.data = JSON.stringify(options.data);
return ajaxInternal(options, true);
* This function builds on {@link rest} by adding polling. You can use it to make a request repeatedly, until
* a "finished" response is returned. This is useful, for example, when waiting for the server to complete a background task
* like deleting a repository or waiting for maintenance to complete.
* @memberOf bitbucket/util/server
* @example
* require('bitbucket/util/server').poll({
* url : '/plugin/servlet/expensive-task-checker',
* tick : function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
* if (data.expensiveTaskComplete) {
* return true; // success
* }
* if (data.expensiveTaskAborted) {
* return false; // failure
* }
* // return undefined; // keep polling. return undefined is implied.
* }
* });
* @param {Object} options - See {@link bitbucket/util/server.rest} for the options accepted.
* @param {number|boolean} [options.pollTimeout=60000] - The number of milliseconds to poll before ending the poll
* as a failure. May pass `false` to indicate no timeout.
* @param {number} [options.interval=500] - The number of milliseconds between each AJAX response and subsequent request.
* @param {number} [options.delay=0] - The number of milliseconds before the first AJAX call.
* @param {Function} options.tick - A function to call with each AJAX response's callback parameters.
* It should return `truthy` to end polling successfully, `undefined`
* to continue polling, or `falsy` to end polling as a failure.
* @returns {Promise} A jQuery Promise with added pause() and resume() methods.
function poll(options) {
options = $.extend(
pollTimeout: 60000,
interval: 500,
delay: 0,
tick: $.noop,
var paused = false;
var polling = false;
var defer = $.Deferred();
var startTime = Date.now();
var doPoll = function() {
// Short circuit if the poller is paused or if it is already polling
if (paused || polling) {
polling = true;
.done(function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
var isDone = options.tick(data, textStatus, xhr);
if (isDone) {
defer.resolveWith(this, [data, textStatus, xhr]);
} else if (
(options.pollTimeout !== false &&
Date.now() - startTime > options.pollTimeout) ||
typeof isDone !== 'undefined'
) {
defer.rejectWith(this, [xhr, textStatus, null, data]);
} else {
setTimeout(doPoll, options.interval);
.fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown, data) {
defer.rejectWith(this, [xhr, textStatus, errorThrown, data]);
.always(function() {
polling = false;
setTimeout(doPoll, options.delay);
var promise = defer.promise();
promise.resume = function() {
if (paused) {
paused = false;
promise.pause = function() {
paused = true;
return promise;
export default {