/** @namespace JSON */
* Describes a range of commits, with a topographical beginning (since) and end (until).
* @typedef {Object} CommitRangeJSON
* @memberOf JSON
* @property {JSON.CommitJSON} sinceRevision - The first revision of the range of commits.
* @property {JSON.CommitJSON} untilRevision - The last revision of the range of commits.
* Metadata about a change to a file.
* @typedef {Object} FileChangeJSON
* @memberOf JSON
* @property {JSON.RepositoryJSON} repository - The repository containing the file that was changed.
* @property {JSON.CommitRangeJSON} commitRange - The since revision and the until revision of the file change.
* @property {JSON.PathJSON} path - The path to the changed content.
* @property {JSON.PathJSON} [srcPath] - The path at which the changed content originated, if different from `path`.
* @property {Object} [diff] - The diff of the file change. The structure matches the structure for diffs
* retrieved via the REST API. This is only provided for handling diffs as
* activity items for a pull request. For other usages, diffs must be retrieved
* from the server.
* Describes a project in Stash.
* @typedef {Object} ProjectJSON
* @memberOf JSON
* @property {number} id - An identifier for the project.
* @property {string} name - The name of the project.
* @property {string} key - The key of the project.
* @property {boolean} public - True if the project is publicly accessible.
* @property {string} avatarUrl - A URL to the project's avatar.
* Describes a pull request participant in Stash.
* @typedef {Object} ParticipantJSON
* @memberof JSON
* @property {boolean} approved - Whether this participant has approved the pull request.
* @property {string} role - "AUTHOR", "REVIEWER", or "PARTICIPANT"
* @property {JSON.StashUserJSON} user - The user participating in the pull request.
* Describes a pull request in Stash.
* @typedef {Object} PullRequestJSON
* @memberof JSON
* @property {JSON.ParticipantJSON} author - The author of the pull request.
* @property {string} createdDate - The date the pull request was first created, in ISO-8601 form.
* @property {string} description - The user-provided description for this pull request.
* @property {string} descriptionAsHtml - The rendered HTML result for the user-provided description.
* @property {number} id - The ID of the pull request, unique within its repository.
* @property {JSON.RefJSON} fromRef - The ref describing the source of this pull request.
* @property {Array<JSON.ParticipantJSON>} participants - Non-reviewer participants in the pull request.
* @property {Array<JSON.ParticipantJSON>} reviewers - Explicitly listed reviewers of the pull request.
* @property {string} title - The title of the pull request.
* @property {JSON.RefJSON} toRef - The ref describing the target/destination of this pull request.
* @property {string} updatedDate - The date the pull request was last updated, in ISO-8601 form.
* @property {number} version - A number describing the version of this pull request, updated when the pull request is changed.
* Describes a ref in Stash (e.g. a Git branch or tag).
* @typedef {Object} RefJSON
* @memberof JSON
* @property {string} displayId - A user-facing id for the ref. No guarantees are made about the format of the output.
* @property {string} id - A unique identifier for the ref, within its repository.
* @property {boolean} isDefault - Whether this is the default ref for the repository.
* @property {string} hash - Tags can also have a hash property when they aren't simply pointers to a commit. It points to the rich tag object
* @property {string} latestCommit - The hash for the most recent commit on the branch.
* @property {JSON.RepositoryJSON} repository - The repository this ref is associated with.
* @property {Object} type - Contains an id property with value 'tag', 'branch', or 'commit', describing the kind of ref this is.
* Describes a repository in Stash.
* @memberOf JSON
* @typedef {Object} RepositoryJSON
* @property {number} id - An identifier for the repository.
* @property {string} name - The name of the repository.
* @property {string} slug - The slug of the repository which is a URL-friendly variant of its name.
* @property {JSON.ProjectJSON} project - The project the repository belongs to.
* @property {string} scmId - The identifier of the repository's SCM.
* @property {boolean} public - True if the repository is publicly accessible.
* @property {string} cloneUrl - The repository's HTTP clone URL.
* Describes a single, specific commit.
* @typedef {Object} CommitJSON
* @memberOf JSON
* @property {string} id - An identifier for the commit. For Git repositories, this is the SHA-1 hash.
* @property {string} displayId - An identifier for the commit suitable for displaying in the UI.
* Describes a user in Stash.
* @typedef {Object} StashUserJSON
* @memberof JSON
* @property {boolean} active - True if the user is an active user.
* @property {string} [avatarUrl] - A URL where the user's avatar can be retrieved. This property's availability depends on the caller providing a requested avatarSize when the user data is requested.
* @property {string} displayName - The user's human-readable name. E.g. Adam Ahmed
* @property {string} emailAddress - The user's email address.
* @property {number} id - A numeric unique ID for the user.
* @property {string} name - The login/username for the user.
* @property {string} slug - A URL-safe id for the user. Use this when constructing URLs for user information.
* @property {string} type - Currently "NORMAL" or "SERVICE", where "SERVICE" users are not backed by a Crowd entity and cannot authenticate via the UI.
* Describe a Path in Stash
* @typedef {Object} PathJSON
* @memberof JSON
* @property {Array<string>} components - an array of path components
* @property {string} extension - file extension, if any (and an empty string if there isn't)
* @property {string} name - the file name