Source: feature/files/file-handlers.js

 * Provides a way to register file-handlers to handle rendering the source of a file.
 * For example, a {@linkCode FileHandler} can be registered to handle .stl files and render them as 3D files.
 * JS files registering file-handlers should use the resource context 'bitbucket.internal.feature.files.fileHandlers'.
 * **This module is available synchronously.**
 * **Web Resource:** com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.bitbucket-web-api:file-handlers
 * @namespace bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @example
 * function MyView(options) {
 *     var $element = $('<div/>');
 *     $container.append($element);
 *     return {
 *         destroy: function() {
 *             $element.remove();
 *         },
 *         extraClasses: 'my-class something-else'
 *     };
 * }
 * var myFileHandler = {
 *     weight: 400,
 *     handle: function(options) {
 *         if (options.fileChange.path.extension === 'stl') {
 *             return new MyView(options);
 *         } else if (options.fileChange.path.extension === 'stl2') {
 *             // Returning a rejected promise with a message will display errors appropriately
 *             return $.Deferred().reject('File extension not supported');
 *         }
 *         // Return null/undefined or an empty promise to pass silently
 *     }
 * };
 * // Register your handler immediately to ensure it is in place when needed.
 * // Note that we use the synchronous syntax to require the module, which ensures there is no delay before
 * // register() is called.
 * require('feature/file-content/file-handlers').register(myFileHandler);
import HandlerRegistry from 'bitbucket/internal/util/handler-registry';

import object from 'bitbucket/internal/util/object';

const fileHandlers = new HandlerRegistry();

 * @typedef {Object}    FileHandlingContext
 * @memberOf bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @property {string}           contentMode - The mode of content. This is either 'source' or 'diff'.
 * @property {jQuery}           $toolbar - A jQuery object pointing to the toolbar contents - any toolbar web panels can be found as descendants. (Since 3.5)
 * @property {jQuery}           $container  - A jQuery object in which you should append your rendered file content.
 * @property {JSON.FileChangeJSON}   fileChange - Describes the changed file.
 * @property {string}           commentMode - The comment rendering mode. "none", "read", "reply-only", or "create-new"
 * @property {boolean}          isExcerpt - Indicates whether this is only an excerpt and not a full file/diff.
 * @property {*}                anchor - An anchor of any type which can be used by the appropriate handler to deep link into the content
 * @property {string}           [scrollStyle] - The style of scrolling to be used, "fixed" or "inline".
 * @property {Function}         [diffUrlBuilder] - An optional function that accepts a {JSON.FileChangeJSON} and will return
 *                                                 a {bitbucket/util/navbuilder.Builder} to the built-in Stash REST
 *                                                 endpoint to obtain the diff information.
 * @property {Array<JSON.CommentJSON>}    [lineComments] - An array of comments anchored to the lines of the file. The structure
 *                                      matches the structure for comments retrieved via the REST API. This is only provided
 *                                      for handling diffs as activity items for a pull request. For other usages, line comments
 *                                      will be retrieved from the server when retrieving diffs.
 * @property {Function}         [commentUrlBuilder] – An optional function that returns a {bitbucket/util/navbuilder.Builder} to the built-in Stash REST
 *                                                 endpoint to send the comment information.
 * @property {DiffViewType}         diffViewType - the type of diff being displayed - an effective merge diff, or a common ancestor diff

 * Callback to handle file.
 * @callback FileHandleCallback
 * @memberOf bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @param {bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers.FileHandlingContext}   context - A map of properties describing the content
 *                                                              to be rendered and the context in which it is to be rendered.
 * @return {Promise}        A promise object that resolves with {@linkcode FileHandlerResult} if this handler will handle the request, or rejects otherwise.

 * An object that can either render file sources, file diffs, or both for a particular subset of files.
 * @typedef {Object}    FileHandler
 * @memberOf bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @property {number}               [weight=1000] - The weight of handler determining the order it is tried.
 *                                                  The default weight of the source/diff view is 1000.
 * @property {bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers.FileHandleCallback}   handle        - A function called to handle file content rendering.

 * @typedef {Object}    FileHandlerResult
 * @memberOf bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @property {Function} [destroy]       - A function that will be called before the current view is destroyed, which may happen on state change.
 *                                        This is a chance to destroy/cleanup any event listeners and remove DOM elements.
 * @property {string}   [extraClasses]  - Additional style class applied to parent file-content. Can be used to apply background color.
 * @property {string}   [handlerID]     - A unique string identifying your handler (or a "sub-" handler if your handler has a few different ways
 *                                        to display data). This is passed to toolbar web-fragments so they can enable or disable themselves based
 *                                        on which handler is being displayed.
 *                                        The built-in handler IDs are listed in {@link bitbucket/feature-files/file-handlers#builtInHandlers}. Your handler
 *                                        should NOT use these IDs, but should instead specify a unique ID string of its own.
 * @property {EditingContext} [editing] - An object which indicates whether the current handler is editable, and if so, supplies the methods required for editing

 * @typedef {Object}        EditingContext
 * @memberOf bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * The context supplied by a file handler to indicate whether it is editable. If it is not editable, it should supply a `reason` only.
 * Otherwise, all other methods are required, except `changes`, which is optional.
 * @property {boolean}      [editable]      - Whether this file handler supports editing
 * @property {?string}      [reason]        - If editing is not supported, an optional reason why
 * @property {function}     [startEditing]  - Handler method to call to begin editing
 * @property {function}     [stopEditing]   - Handler method to call to end editing. Takes an options object with property `discardChanges`
 * @property {function}     [hasChanged]    - Handler method to determine if the content has changed since editing began
 * @property {function}     [getContent]    - Handler method to get the file content. Returns {Blob}
 * @property {?function}    [changes]       - Optional emitter for changes to the file during editing.
 *                                            Takes callback function as param. Callback receives `hasChanged`

 * Register a file handler. Call this method as soon as possible to ensure your handler is considered when a file content is loaded.
 * @memberof bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @param {FileHandler} fileHandler - your file handler to register
function register(fileHandler) {}

 * An enum of built-in handlers that may be used to handle the display of file content. It is not an exhaustive list.
 * Any plugin can handle any file it wishes and may or may not provide an ID.
 * @enum {string}
 * @readonly
 * @memberof bitbucket/feature/files/file-handlers
 * @param {FileHandler} fileHandler
fileHandlers.builtInHandlers = {
     * Generic error handler
    ERROR: 'error',
     * Directory handler
    DIRECTORY: 'directory',
     * Textual source handler
    SOURCE_TEXT: 'source-text',
     * Empty source handler
    SOURCE_EMPTY: 'source-empty',
     * Image source handler
    SOURCE_IMAGE: 'source-image',
     * Non-image binary source handler
    SOURCE_BINARY: 'source-binary',
     * Textual diff handler with side-by-side display
    DIFF_TEXT_SIDE_BY_SIDE: 'diff-text-side-by-side',
     * Textual diff handler with unified display
    DIFF_TEXT_UNIFIED: 'diff-text-unified',
     * Empty diff handler
    DIFF_EMPTY: 'diff-empty',
     * Too-large diff handler
    DIFF_TOO_LARGE: 'diff-too-large',
     * Image diff handler
    DIFF_IMAGE: 'diff-image',
     * Non-image binary diff handler
    DIFF_BINARY: 'diff-binary',
//If you add a handler to this list, be sure to register it with `builtIn: true` (and vice-versa)

export default fileHandlers;