Tasks you can execute in a job, such as: source code checkout, Maven build or a shell script.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractDockerRegistryTask<T extends AbstractDockerRegistryTask<T>> Class containing common parts to Docker tasks which operates on Docker registry, likeDockerPushImageTask
.AbstractDockerTask<T extends AbstractDockerTask<T,P>,P extends AbstractDockerTaskProperties> Generic Docker task.AntTask Ant build task builder.ArtifactDownloaderTask Represents task that downloads artifacts created by other jobs and plans.ArtifactItem Represents an artifact or group of artifacts, obtained using one of the following methods.BaseNodeTask<B extends BaseNodeTask<B,P>,P extends BaseNodeTaskProperties> Base class for Node.js related tasks.BaseSshTask<T extends BaseSshTask<T,E>,E extends BaseSshTaskProperties> BaseVcsTask<T extends BaseVcsTask<T,E>,E extends BaseVcsTaskProperties> BowerTask Represents Bamboo task which executes Bower package manager for Node.js.BuildWarningParserTask Represents Bamboo task which scans logs and files for build warnings.CheckoutItem Represents a single checkout request.CleanWorkingDirectoryTask Represents a task that cleans build's working directory.CommandTask Represents a task that executes a command.DockerBuildImageTask Task to build docker image.DockerPullImageTask Pulls docker image from the docker registry.DockerPushImageTask Pushes docker image to the docker registry.DockerRunContainerTask Task used to run a Docker container.DownloadItem Represents a single download request.DumpVariablesTask Represents a task that dumps Bamboo variables to log when task is run on agent.FastlaneTask Fastlane build task builder.GruntTask Represents Bamboo task which executes Grunt tasks.GulpTask Represents Bamboo task which executes Gulp tasks.InjectVariablesTask Represents a task that injects Bamboo variables from a file in a simple "key=value" format.MavenDependenciesProcessorTask Automatically update Plan dependencies by analysing the Maven pom file with every build.MavenTask Maven 2/3 build task builder.MochaParserTask Deprecated. since 6.3 useTestParserTask.createMochaParserTask()
MochaRunnerTask Runs Mocha tests using 'mocha-bamboo-reporter'.MsBuildTask Represents task that runs MSBuild command.NodeTask Represents a generic task that executes a Node.js script.NodeunitTask Runs Nodeunit tests.NpmTask Represents task that executes an npm command.NUnitRunnerTask Executes, parses and displays NUnit test results.ScpTask Represents task that runs scp command.ScriptTask Represents a task that executes shell script.SshTask Represents a task to run a remote command over SSH.TestParserTask Represents task that parses test results for presentation in Bamboo build results.VcsBranchTask Task which creates a new branch in a repository.VcsCheckoutTask Represents task that checks out selected repositories to the build working directory.VcsCommitTask This task will commit all local changes to a repository.VcsPushTask This task will push commits created locally by other tasks to the remote repository.VcsTagTask Task which creates a new tag in a repository. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BuildWarningParserTask.WarningSeverity MavenTask.TestDirectoryOption NUnitRunnerTask.NUnitVersion