Uses of Class
Generic plan-local and linked source code repositories as well as change detection settings, see also for specific repository types.
Bitbucket Cloud repository type.
Bitbucket Server repository type.
Git repository type.
GitHub repository type.
Uses of VcsChangeDetection in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionVcsChangeDetection.changesetFilterPatternRegex
(@Nullable String changesetFilterPatternRegex) Excludes certain changes from being picked up by Bamboo.VcsChangeDetection.commitIsolationEnabled
(boolean commitIsolationEnabled) Enables/disables commit isolation.VcsChangeDetection.configuration
(@Nullable Map<String, Object> configuration) Sets plugin specific custom configuration.VcsChangeDetection.filterFilePatternOption
(@Nullable VcsChangeDetection.FileFilteringOption filterFilePatternOption) Selects method of filtering commits by affected files.VcsChangeDetection.filterFilePatternRegex
(@Nullable String filterFilePatternRegex) Sets regular expression to be used when filtering commits by affected files.VcsChangeDetection.quietPeriod
(Duration quietPeriod) Defines quiet period duration, that is time Bamboo should wait after a new change, before initiating a build.VcsChangeDetection.quietPeriodEnabled
(boolean quietPeriodEnabled) Enables/disables quiet period feature on the repository.VcsChangeDetection.quietPeriodInSeconds
(int quietPeriodInSeconds) Defines quiet period duration in seconds, that is time Bamboo should wait after a new change, before initiating a build.VcsChangeDetection.quietPeriodMaxRetries
(int maxRetries) Defines maximum retries count for quiet period, that is how many time Bamboo should check for new changes before initiating a build regardless of the outcome.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAnyVcsRepository.changeDetectionConfiguration
(@Nullable VcsChangeDetection changeDetectionConfiguration) Sets change detection part of the configuration. -
Uses of VcsChangeDetection in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBitbucketCloudRepository.changeDetection
(VcsChangeDetection vcsChangeDetection) Sets change detection options for this repository. -
Uses of VcsChangeDetection in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBitbucketServerRepository.changeDetection
(@NotNull VcsChangeDetection vcsChangeDetection) Sets change detection options for this repository. -
Uses of VcsChangeDetection in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGitRepository.changeDetection
(@NotNull VcsChangeDetection vcsChangeDetection) Sets change detection options for this repository. -
Uses of VcsChangeDetection in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGitHubRepository.changeDetection
(@NotNull VcsChangeDetection vcsChangeDetection) Sets change detection options for this repository.