Jira Report

Key Summary Status Resolution By
PLUG-79 ServletModuleContainerServlet needs to catch javax.servlet.UnavailableException Closed Fixed Agnes Ro [Atlassian ]
PLUG-57 Atlassian Plugins 0.19 is broken Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud [Atlassian ]
PLUG-37 Plugin.loadClass(name, clazz) throws NullPointerExceptions Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-137 Plugins can lose access to resources in inner jars Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-114 Resources loaded from incorrect plugin Closed Not a bug Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-46 Charts view is not found Closed Fixed Ian Daniel [Atlassian ]
PLUG-17 Bad uploaded plugin cannot be uninstalled Closed Fixed Mike Cannon-Brookes [Atlassian ]
PLUG-185 Allow plugin decorator to be skipped via request attribute Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-184 Improve plugin loading strategy to detect plugins that failed to start before the timeout Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-183 Ability to uninstall non-dynamic plugins correctly at runtime Open Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-182 Refactor DirectoryPluginLoader to abstract out Scanner and filesystem access Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-181 Changes in 2.1.0.beta4 break plugins in resin Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-180 Filter plugin container filter should gracefully handle missing ServletModuleM anager Resolved Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-178 Occasionally fails to start with bad osgi filter exception Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-177 Filter dispatcher fails when pathInfo is null To be reviewed Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-176 FelixOsgiContainerManager NoClassDefFoundError when starting up with hprof enabled Closed Not a bug Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-175 Increase installation timeout to 60 seconds Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-174 Ability to explictly register beans against interfaces when using the Spring namespace To be reviewed Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-172 Invalid OSGi filter generated by Spring DM occasionally Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-171 NullPointerException in AbstractPlugin.compareTo() Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-170 Trying to install the uPnP felix bundle results in Class Cast Exception Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-173 Unhandled Exception when Installing OSGI bundle with unmet dependencies To be reviewed Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-168 Legacy plugin loader throws an exception for an OSGi bundle Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-167 Upgrade to Spring DM 1.1.2 Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-166 Tests rely on access to fixed locations in system temp directory Resolved Fixed Matt Ryall [Atlassian ]
PLUG-164 Module descriptors should declare if they require a restart on installation or not To be reviewed Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-163 Allow components to opt out of autowiring Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-162 Enabling OSGi plugins works inconsistently Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-161 Add Cache Control Public to our caching headers method Resolved Fixed Agnes Ro [Atlassian ]
PLUG-160 Reference Implementation plugins should be able to use classes from the Plugins Reference Impl webapp. Implemented Unresolved Tim Moore [Atlassian ]
PLUG-159 Duplicate plugins prevent initialisation of entire loader rather than single plugin Closed Fixed Matt Ryall [Atlassian ]
PLUG-158 Dynamic XML plugin support Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-157 Inter-plugin dependencies failing Resolved Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-156 Shutdown sometimes hangs with " Cannot uninstall an uninstalled bundle " exception Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-155 Backport fix for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FELIX-721 for inclusion in atlassian-plugins Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-154 Implement UI Toolbox decorators Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-153 Dynamic Plugin Module Descriptors Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-152 Upgrade Spring to 2.5.5 and Spring DM to 1.1.1 Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-151 Upgrade Apache Felix to 1.2.1 Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-150 OSGi plugins don ' t clear their spring references on disable Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-149 Servlet plugins get incorrect pathInfo() Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-148 Dynamic Plugin Modules Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-147 AutowireCapablePlugin.autowire(Class) should be called createBean(Class) to be consistent with Spring Open Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-146 implement " export packages recursively " functionality Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-145 Plugin state is not cleared when plugin is uninstalled Closed Fixed Unassigned
PLUG-144 Typo in package name com.atlassian.plugin.spring.pluginns Closed Not a bug Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-143 When loading a 1.0 plugin from a 2.0 plugin the wrong classloader is used Closed Fixed Unassigned
PLUG-142 Ability to autowire existing object instances Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-141 PluginFactory interface is inconsistent Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-140 Allow OSGi boot delegation to support profiling, for example Closed Fixed Matt Ryall [Atlassian ]
PLUG-139 DefaultPackageScannerConfiguration: revew and document default values for inclussion/exclusion patterns Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-13 8 Change the reference implementation to not require SAL Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-136 Support serving of multiple plugin web resources in one request Open Unresolved Agnes Ro [Atlassian ]
PLUG-135 Instances of FelixOsgiContainerManager that share the same java.io.tmpdir will clobber each other ' s cache directory. Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-134 Filter out annoying Felix messages Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-133 Better handling of plugins that depend on each other Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-132 Use non-locking classloader to find plugin configuration file Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-131 Better handling of tmp files in tests Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-130 REST plugin type Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-129 Specify BND instructions in the plugin-info element Implemented Unresolved Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-128 When re-installing plugin using web ui plugin subsystem still use old atlassian-plugin.xml file of this plugin Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-127 Add support for serving resources from plugins Implemented Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-126 Support the spring plugin type in osgi plugins Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
PLUG-125 Refactor BaseFileServerServlet Resolved Fixed Agnes Ro [Atlassian ]
PLUG-123 Implement ServletContextListener plugin module type Implemented Unresolved Richard Wallace [Atlassian ]
PLUG-121 Merged manifests lose the Bundle-Classpath property Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-120 Allow BND instructions in atlassian-plugin.xml Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-119 Spring context XML namespace should support www.atlassian.com, have downloadable XSD Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-118 Log framework events Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-117 Package Scanner fails to scan jar file with `+` in its name Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-116 Missing dependencies are impossible to pin down Closed Duplicate Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-115 dependency on spriing 2.5 means that confluence that uses v2.0.8 produces NoSuchMethodError: removeBeanDefinition exception on startup Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-113 Error instantiating plugin class loader will bring down entire plugin system Closed Fixed Charles Miller [old account, do not assign issues ]
PLUG-112 Get rid of private BND fork Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-111 OSGi import creation should take into account super interfaces of host components Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-110 Plugin state store state should be properly used when enabling plugins Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-109 Ability to customise context class laoder strategy for host components Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-108 Make Java 5 a requirement for core Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-107 Remove seraph dependency from servlet module Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-106 Servlet Filter plugin type Implemented Unresolved Richard Wallace [Atlassian ]
PLUG-104 DelegationClassLoader has no initial state Closed Fixed Matthew Jensen [Atlassian ]
PLUG-103 AbstractPlugin.compareTo() violates compareTo() contract Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-102 Uncaught Exception when loading corrupt JAR Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-101 Deprecate PluginFactory Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-100 Support multiple plugin artifact types Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-99 Seraph brings too many useless transitive dependencies Closed Fixed Matthew Jensen [Atlassian ]
PLUG-98 Exceptions thrown in ModuleDescriptor.getModule() should be caught and the plugin should be disabled Open Unresolved Unassigned
PLUG-97 PluginClassLoader holds locks on jar file, preventing deletion of the jar on Windows Closed Fixed Andrew Lynch [Atlassian ]
PLUG-96 Automatic merging of package imports necessary for host components Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-95 ObjectRetrievalFailureException when attempting to remove a plugin Closed Invalid Unassigned
PLUG-94 atlassian-plugins uberjar replicating legacy jar Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-93 Misleading information in the README.TXT file for the JIRA Plugin Development Kit Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
PLUG-92 Plugin event system Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-91 Ensure host components executed with class ' s clas sloader as the context classloader Closed Fixed Unassigned
PLUG-89 Make host components use context-class-loader= ' service-provider ' flag on generated service references for plugins Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-88 Spring host component provider that uses XML configuration Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-86 Reference implementation of Plugins 2 container Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-85 Remove FileUtils in core Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-84 Bundled plugins loader for osgi Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]
PLUG-83 Embed framework bundles in jar Closed Fixed Don Brown [Atlassian ]