Package com.atlassian.plugin.servlet

Interface Summary
ServletModuleManager The ServletModuleManager is responsible for servlets and filters - and their servlet contexts - defined in plugins.

Class Summary
DefaultServletModuleManager A simple servletModuleManager to track and retrieve the loaded servlet plugin modules.
DelegatingPluginServlet We are wrapping the plugins servlet in another servlet so that we can set some things up before the plugins servlet is called.
PluginHttpRequestWrapper A request wrapper for requests bound for servlets declared in plugins.
PluginServletConfig Instances of the PluginServletConfig are passed to plugins servlet Servlet init() method.
PluginServletContextWrapper A wrapper around servlet context that allows plugin servlets to add attributes which will not be shared/clobbered by other plugins.
ServletModuleContainerServlet Applications need to create a concrete subclass of this for use in their webapp.

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