1   package com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.test;
3   import com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.CoreFactory;
4   import com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.test.mock.MockSequenceUtil;
5   import com.atlassian.core.ofbiz.util.EntityUtils;
6   import com.atlassian.core.action.DefaultActionDispatcher;
8   import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericEntityException;
9   import org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue;
10  import org.ofbiz.core.entity.MemoryHelper;
11  import org.ofbiz.core.entity.model.ModelEntity;
13  import webwork.action.ActionContext;
15  import com.opensymphony.user.DuplicateEntityException;
16  import com.opensymphony.user.Group;
17  import com.opensymphony.user.ImmutableException;
18  import com.opensymphony.user.User;
19  import com.opensymphony.user.UserManager;
21  import java.util.Collection;
22  import java.util.HashMap;
23  import java.util.Iterator;
24  import java.util.Map;
26  import junit.framework.Assert;
27  import junit.framework.TestCase;
29  public class UtilsForTests
30  {
31      /**
32       * Get a test Entity
33       * @param entity the name of the entity
34       * @param fields the field values
35       * @return the created GenericValue
36       * @throws EntityException if OfBiz throws a {@link GenericEntityException}
37       */
38      public static GenericValue getTestEntity(final String entity, final Map fields)
39      {
40          try
41          {
42              return EntityUtils.createValue(entity, fields);
43          }
44          catch (final GenericEntityException e)
45          {
46              throw new EntityException(e);
47          }
48      }
50      /**
51       * Get a test Entity
52       * @param entity the name of the entity
53       * @param fields the field values
54       * @return the created GenericValue
55       * @throws DuplicateException if OfBiz throws a {@link DuplicateEntityException}
56       */
57      public static User getTestUser(final String username)
58      {
59          try
60          {
61              return UserManager.getInstance().createUser(username);
62          }
63          catch (final DuplicateEntityException e)
64          {
65              throw new DuplicateException(e);
66          }
67          catch (final ImmutableException e)
68          {
69              throw new UnchangeableException(e);
70          }
71      }
73      public static Group getTestGroup(final String groupname)
74      {
75          try
76          {
77              return UserManager.getInstance().createGroup(groupname);
78          }
79          catch (final DuplicateEntityException e)
80          {
81              throw new DuplicateException(e);
82          }
83          catch (final ImmutableException e)
84          {
85              throw new UnchangeableException(e);
86          }
87      }
89      public static GenericValue getTestConstant(final String entity, Map params)
90      {
91          try
92          {
93              if (params == null)
94              {
95                  params = new HashMap();
96              }
98              if (params.get("id") == null)
99              {
100                 final String id = EntityUtils.getNextStringId(entity);
101                 params.put("id", id);
102             }
104             GenericValue v = CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().makeValue(entity, params);
105             v = v.create();
106             return v;
107         }
108         catch (final GenericEntityException e)
109         {
110             throw new EntityException(e);
111         }
112     }
114     /**
115      * Remove all users and groups.
116      */
117     public static void cleanUsers() throws Exception
118     {
119         for (final Iterator iterator = UserManager.getInstance().getUsers().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
120         {
121             ((User) iterator.next()).remove();
122         }
124         for (final Iterator iterator = UserManager.getInstance().getGroups().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
125         {
126             ((Group) iterator.next()).remove();
127         }
128     }
130     public static void cleanWebWork()
131     {
132         ActionContext.setContext(new ActionContext());
133         CoreFactory.setActionDispatcher(new DefaultActionDispatcher());
134     }
136     public static void cleanOFBiz()
137     {
138         MemoryHelper.clearCache();
140         final String helperName = CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().getEntityHelperName("SequenceValueItem");
141         final ModelEntity seqEntity = CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().getModelEntity("SequenceValueItem");
143         CoreFactory.getGenericDelegator().setSequencer(new MockSequenceUtil(helperName, seqEntity, "seqName", "seqId"));
144     }
146     /**
147      * Check that a collection has only one element, and that is the object provided
148      */
149     public static void checkSingleElementCollection(final TestCase test, final Collection collection, final Object expected)
150     {
151         Assert.assertEquals(1, collection.size());
152         Assert.assertTrue(collection.contains(expected));
153     }
155     //
156     // specialised runtime exceptions in case anyone ever wants to catch them explicitly
157     //
159     public static class DuplicateException extends RuntimeException
160     {
161         DuplicateException(final DuplicateEntityException ex)
162         {
163             super(ex);
164         }
165     }
167     public static class EntityException extends RuntimeException
168     {
169         EntityException(final GenericEntityException ex)
170         {
171             super(ex);
172         }
173     }
175     public static class UnchangeableException extends RuntimeException
176     {
177         UnchangeableException(final ImmutableException ex)
178         {
179             super(ex);
180         }
181     }
182 }