Jira Report

Key Summary Status Resolution By
AO-90 Allow plugin to override the key used for namespacing table names Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-89 Admin screen for managing AO data belonging to plugins Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-88 Expose table name generator as an OSGi service Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-87 Make AO plugin register (and unregister) AO capable plugins for backup Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-86 Implement #getDatabaseType() correctly for JIRA SPI implementation of DataSourceProvider Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-85 Implement #getDatabaseType() correctly for Confluence SPI implementation of DataSourceProvider Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-84 Add backup API to SAL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-83 Move DataSourceProvider SPI from SAL back into AO Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-82 Test Active Objects library against DB2 9.7 Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-81 Test Active Objects library against DB2 8.2 Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-80 Test Active Objects library against Oracle 11g Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-79 Test Active Objects library against Oracle 10g Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-78 Test Active Objects library against SQL Server 2008 Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-77 Test Active Objects library against SQL Server 2005 Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-76 Test Active Objects library against PostgreSQL 8.2 In Progress Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-75 Test Active Objects library against PostgreSQL 8.1 In Progress Unresolved Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-74 Test Active Objects library against MySQL 5.x Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-73 Test Active Objects library against HSQL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-72 Test Active Objects library against HSQL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-71 Push the DataSourceFactory in the active objects library Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-70 Implement prefix from md5 of plugin key Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-69 The active object library doesn ' t deploy its sources on release Resolved Fixed Unassigned
AO-68 Using an existing database, the plugin will fail trying to re-create existing tables Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-67 Database connection can ' t be closed when using JIRA Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-66 Make using transaction simpler Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-65 Take care of migration at plugin start up Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-64 Namespace database tables per plugin Closed Duplicate Unassigned
AO-63 Prevent calls to EntityManager#migrate to read/access data other than the plugin ' s Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-62 Sandbox ActiveObjects database access Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-61 The ActiveObjects migrate (on EntityManager) method call must happen in a transaction Closed Won ' t Fix Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-60 Get a factory for hibernate sessions in Confluence, exposed to plugins Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-59 Implement data source API/SPI for the Refapp Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-58 Fool proof the detection of actual database used when using DataSourceProvider configuration Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-57 Enable configuration of data source per plugin Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-56 Release a version of ActiveObjects with DataSource support Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-55 Refactor com.atlassian.activeobjects.internal.DatabaseDirectoryAwareActiveObjectsFactory to use the com.atlassian.sal.api.sql.DataSourceProvider Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-54 Make DatabaseProvider work off of a DataSource only Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-53 Make the net.java.ao.EntityManagerBuilder the ' only ' way to configure ActiveObject Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-52 Read and understand summit spike Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-51 Implement data source API/SPI for Crucible Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-50 Implement data source API/SPI for FishEye Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-49 Implement data source API/SPI for Crowd Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-48 Implement data source API/SPI for Bamboo Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-47 Implement data source API/SPI for JIRA Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-46 Implement data source API/SPI for Confluence Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-45 Create backport of SAL datasource api Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-44 Move current SPI to SAL Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-43 Limit access to ' withSQL ' method of ActiveObjects Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-42 Limit the number of entities returned by queries Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-41 Limit the number of tables allowed per plugin Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-40 Make sure AO plugins can take part in products transactions Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-39 Enable usage of ' any ' database Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-38 Make using the product database an easy option Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-37 Make HSQL in the home directory an easy option Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-36 Make sure plugins are sandboxed (db-wise) Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-35 Make product expose their DataSource Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-34 Allow ActiveObjects to work with DataSources Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-33 SummitSpike: Class loading issues with SPI library Closed Fixed Dan Hardiker
AO-32 Backup module type Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-31 Create configuration to scan for entities (by package) Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-30 Create configuration to set entities to work with Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-29 Add option to enable/disable backup (enabled by default) Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-28 Create the AO module Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-27 ActiveObjects module type Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-26 SummitSpike: Use a DataSource instead of a JDBC URL Closed Fixed Dan Hardiker
AO-25 Implement backup/restore in the ActiveObjects plugin (AO) Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-24 Implement backup/restore in ActiveObjects (the library) Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-23 Integrate BackupRegistry in Crowd Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-22 Integrate BackupRegistry in Crucible Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-21 Integrate BackupRegistry in FishEye Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-20 Integrate BackupRegistry in Bamboo Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-19 Integrate BackupRegistry in Confluence Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-18 Integrate BackupRegistry in JIRA Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-17 Create backport of BackupRegistry and implementation for products to use Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-16 Add BackupRegistry and a default implementation to SAL Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-15 Create BackupRegistry Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-14 Add a _very_ simple logging facade in ActiveObjects Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-13 Use a proper logging framework in ActiveObjects Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-12 Get active objects to pass its current tests Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-11 Consolidate ActiveObjects caching layer Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-10 Namespace entity table names so plugins cannot clash Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-9 Change JUL logging to slf4j Closed Won ' t Fix Unassigned
AO-8 Audit Class.forName() usage Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-7 Replace ActiveObjects own SoftHashMap implementation with something else Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-6 Make sure ActiveObjects is OSGi compatible Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-5 Remove SQLException from ActiveObjects APIs Closed Fixed Unassigned
AO-4 Implement SPI to allow host to provide DataSource Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-3 Allow configuration of the DataSource per plugin Open Unresolved Unassigned
AO-2 Enable ' migration ' of ActiveObjects entities when the service is ready Closed Fixed Samuel Le Berrigaud
AO-1 Update Active Objects dependency to 0.9-m2 Closed Fixed Don Brown