Package com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.model

Class Summary
Activity Represents an activity, such as the creation of a wiki page
Activity.Builder A builder that facilitates construction of Activity objects.
ActivityId Representation of the unique identifier for a particular activity.
Address Representation of a Person's address
AppId Representation of the identifier for a particular application, e.g.
EmailAddress Representation of a Person's e-mail address
Group Represents a group name.
MediaItem.Builder A builder that facilitates construction of MediaItem objects.
Name Representation of a Person's full name
Person Immutable container class encapsulating social data for a person.
Person.Builder A builder that facilitates construction of Person objects.
PersonId Representation of the unique identifier for a person.
PhoneNumber Representation of a Person's phone number

Enum Summary
Activity.Field Activity fields that can be loaded when retrieving an activity
MediaItem.Type An enumeration of potential media types.

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