Package com.atlassian.gadgets.renderer.internal

Class Summary
AtlassianContainerConfig Overrides the default implementation of ContainerConfig so that we can use our own configuration and have a chance to customize it for the specific deployment of the application using ApplicationProperties.
AtlassianOAuthCallbackGenerator Implementation of the OAuthCallbackGenerator that ignores the "dance" that the GadgetOAuthCallbackGenerator does because we can't redirect to gadget specific callbacks and aren't implementing locked domains.
ContainerDomainProvider Provides the domain name to be used for creating security tokens.
GadgetRequestContextFactoryImpl Default implementation of GadgetRequestContextFactory.
GadgetSpecFactoryImpl Default implementation of GadgetSpecFactory.
GadgetSpecUrlCheckerImpl Default implementation which uses GadgetSpecUrlRenderPermission implementations provided by OSGi to see if gadgets may be rendered.
NonExpirableBlobCrypterImpl Simple implementation of BlobCrypter that doesn't check for expiration.

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