
Package com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard

This package contains the main APIs for interacting with dashboards and gadgets.


Interface Summary
DashboardService Service that saves or fetches the DashboardState, after checking to make sure that the user has access to the dashboard.

Class Summary
DashboardId Representation of the identifier for a particular dashboard.
DashboardState An immutable representation of a dashboard.
DashboardState.Builder A builder that allows the Layout or the columns of the DashboardState under construction to be set.
DashboardState.TitleBuilder A builder that allows you to set the title of the DashboardState object under construction.
DashboardTab Represents a Dashboard Tab

Enum Summary
Color The possible colors that can be used to customize dashboards and gadgets.
DashboardState.ColumnIndex There are a predetermined number of columns that a dashboard can contain, and ColumnIndex is the enumeration of those columns.
Layout Dashboards can be laid out in multiple ways: with a single column (A), with two columns of equal size (AA), with two columns where one is smaller and the other is larger (AB), etc.

Exception Summary
DashboardNotFoundException Thrown if the dashboard identified by the DashboardId does not exist.
PermissionException Thrown if a user tries a non-permissible operation on a dashboard or gadget.

Package com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard Description

This package contains the main APIs for interacting with dashboards and gadgets. Dashboards are represented by immutable state objects, DashboardStates. Gadgets are also represented by immutable state objects, GadgetStates.

A few useful services are defined by this api and are provided by the dashboard-plugin. They are the DashboardService and the DashboardStateCache.

To integrate the dashboards plugin(s) into a host application, an integrator needs to implement the interfaces defined in the com.atlassian.gadgets.spi package.

A note about serialization: GadgetId, DashboardId, GadgetState and DashboardState all implement the Serializable marker interface. However, Java serialization is not meant to be used as way of doing long term persistence of these objects. They implement the Serializable interface purely for distribution among remote systems that might be sharing a cache or need to transfer these objects for other reasons. Again, it is not meant to be used as a means of persisting these objects between JVM restarts.

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