JIRA Report

Type Key Summary Priority Fix Version
Sub-task AG-546 IE: Gadget preferences form does not close on save Major  
Task AG-797 Document the Gadget JavaScript Library Major  
Bug AG-929 The doc link labels are inconsistently capitalised. Change 'create your own gadget' to 'Create your own gadget' Trivial  
Sub-task AG-482 Write instructions on writing & running Selenium tests Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-968 Retrieve list of all gadgets published by a container Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-972 Write Javascript tests for 4 recent bugs Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-989 Add some report logging to the javascript tests (surefire-reports or something similar) Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-1018 Mavenize JS minification Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-1019 Use individual ajs-gadgets JS files rather than the concatenated version Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-1020 Mavenize JS debug code stripping Major 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-1042 Add gadget-common-fields.js to com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher:ajs-gadgets resources? Major 1.1.0.m3
Bug AG-1052 downcast in shindig Major 1.1.0.m3
Bug AG-1057 Publish DirectoryImpl service via OSGi Major 1.1.0.m3
Task AG-1049 ui-tests module suggestions Minor 1.1.0.m3
Sub-task AG-479 Selenium tests fail trying to add the TreeFrog Gadget Major 1.1.0.m2
Improvement AG-984 Seperate the directory plugin from dashboards Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-986 Add opensocial support to the renderer plugin Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-990 Re-enable social-api module in shindig vendor branch Major 1.1.0.m2
Improvement AG-1008 Directory should not be in an internal package Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-1013 Rename renderer plugin to opensocial plugin Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-1014 Un-hose dependency injection for shindig's JsonContainerConf Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-1017 move parser classes and their tests into refapp Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-1023 Include CSS from JIRA Major 1.1.0.m2
Improvement AG-1028 GadgetIframeTester should give a better error message when elements are not found Major 1.1.0.m2
Sub-task AG-1040 Eliminate unnecessary dependencies in opensocial-plugin Major 1.1.0.m2
Improvement AG-995 Refactor test-framework Minor 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-647 Split persistent gadget ID from Shindig module ID Critical 1.1.0.m1
Sub-task AG-1000 move DashboardParserTest to Test Framework sub module Major 1.1.0.m1
Sub-task AG-1001 refactor GadgetUserPrefsTest Major 1.1.0.m1
Bug AG-1044 HttpClientFetcher doesn't use standard JVM proxyHost & port params Critical 1.0.2
Bug AG-666 Caching of OAuth responses Major 1.1.0.m2
Improvement AG-1009 Improve logging of SSL exceptions in HttpClientFetcher Major 1.1.0.m2
Bug AG-1031 HttpClientFetcher is caching all responses (including ones with no cache directives) Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1033 Remove logging.properties from renderer plugin Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1034 Update Atlassian Hamcrest to the final 1.0 release Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1035 Update Atlassian Plugins to the final 2.3.0 release Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1036 Update ATR dependency to 1.0 final release Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1037 Update OAuth dependency to the 1.0 final release Major 1.1.0.m2
Task AG-1038 Update RefApp dependency to 2.3.14 Major 1.1.0.m2
New Feature AG-1025 Add support back in for the #oauth callback URL Major 1.1.0.m1
Task AG-1029 Update OAuth and RefApp deps Major 1.0.0.rc3
Task AG-977 Ensure that all dependencies are available in the public maven repository Major 1.1.0.m1
Task AG-993 Upgrade to refapp 2.3.9 Major 1.1.0.m1
Task AG-1015 Update OAuth, ATR and RefApp deps Major 1.1.0.m1
Bug AG-524 (Inconsistent) JS Overlay sometimes doesn't disappear when dismissing dialogs via ESC key Major 1.0.0.rc1
Improvement AG-947 Update dependency on httpclient-osgi bundle to 4.0 Major 1.0.0.rc1
Story AG-465 IE compatibility Critical 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-927 atlassian.util.getRendererBaseUrl(); returns incorrect baseurl for multiple hostnames Critical 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-928 Getting 500 error when adding gadget by URL Critical 1.0.0.m15
Improvement AG-845 Published gadget URLs should contain the module key Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-849 Adding external gadget in IE, user doesn't see the gadget in directory. Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-891 Dragging gadgets between tabs is not user friendly Major 1.0.0.m15
Improvement AG-893 Dragging is slow Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-899 Transparency has gone while dragging Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-907 Viewing the gadget in Canvas mode reset the saved preferences of gadget. Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-911 In gadget directory the down scroll bar icons is not visible Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-912 Minimized gadget dragged and dropped from one tab to another does not get maximize when user try expanding it using any options Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-913 Gadget preferences saved in canvas mode are not there when user restore to normal view Major 1.0.0.m15
Improvement AG-920 Ability to enable Shindig debugging to make Shindig not minimize feature js Major 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-762 Refactor GadgetUrlBiulderImplTest Minor 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-890 User can select two tabs at same time for dragging gadgets Minor 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-901 Gadget minimised in canvas view can't be maximized in normal view in JIRA without page refresh Minor 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-861 Hovering on gadget colour menu shows move cursor, not pointer Trivial 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-917 Focus should be on the "Add gadget" text box when user click on "Add gadget to the directory" button Trivial 1.0.0.m15
Improvement AG-930 When you click on a doc link it loads the docs in your current browser window (over your JIRA) Trivial 1.0.0.m15
Bug AG-854 New version attribute is lost when new DashboardState object is constructed in the DashboardImpl Blocker 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-875 Build failure due to IllegalAccessError Blocker 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-838 Dashboard UI and "Add gadget" is not working on Safari 3.0 Critical 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-856 UpdateGadgetUserPrefsHandler adds 'method' to the list of user prefs Critical 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-869 Maven : tests failing with parent pom update, and -Pdebug exits Critical 1.0.0.m14
Story AG-21 Allow user to drag gadget to a new tab target to move to a different tab Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-374 Button text in Gadget Browser gets replaced by a URL Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-415 Javascript to allow gadget drag-and-drop between tabs Major 1.0.0.m14
Improvement AG-542 Limit the number of gadgets that can be added to a dashboard Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-568 IE7: Colour changes don't work Major 1.0.0.m14
Task AG-671 Get JS Tests running as part of the build Major 1.0.0.m14
Task AG-768 Review the bundled dependencies Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-802 Gadget menu malfunctioning Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-808 Text on "Add Gadgets" screen Major 1.0.0.m14
Improvement AG-809 Add a help link to the "Add Gadgets" screen Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-810 User can view and edit the position of a gadget within the canvas view of another gadget in a spcific gadget position. Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-820 Make gadget UI text consistent for maximise, minimise, restore and expand options Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-826 Non-admin shouldn't see "add gadget to directory" button Major 1.0.0.m14
Improvement AG-828 Log Jersey client output in tests Major 1.0.0.m14
Task AG-829 Change parent POM so that AG deploys to the public repo Major 1.0.0.m14
Task AG-832 Cleanup compiler warnings Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-833 Dragging to tabs does not work Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-836 Non admin user should n't see "Remove" button for external gadgets in gadget directory. Major 1.0.0.m14
Task AG-839 More tests for dashboard changes Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-840 Backend changes for REST design change Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-844 Error Gadget REST representation should include an error message Major 1.0.0.m14
Improvement AG-846 remove DashboardStateStore.store Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-848 When dragging to tabs in safari, offset is incorrect. Hover state occurs about 100px below tab. Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-859 IE7: Current tab doesn't have full border Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-860 IE7: When dragging gadget to new tab, read-only dashboard tabs disappear Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-863 IE6: Gadget dropdowns are steaming pile of fail Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-874 Moving gadget from one dashboard to another is confusing with the current API Major 1.0.0.m14
Sub-task AG-876 Move IE-specific styles into IE-specific CSS file Major 1.0.0.m14
Improvement AG-881 JS unit testing commit copies files outside of target/ directory, puts jars in the repo, and uses antrun Major 1.0.0.m14
Bug AG-883 Adding gadgets stacks them on top of existing gadgets Major 1.0.0.m14