Atlassian Gadgets SPI 3.1.7 API

com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).
com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes This package contains classes for managing changes to the dashboard state.
com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util Contains utility and helper classes for all host applications. Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).
com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) for OpenSocial requests.
com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher.spi Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).


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