accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.AddGadgetChange
Invokes the Visitors Visitor#visit(AddGadgetChange) method.
accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange
Accepts a visitor to allow for processing specific change types.
accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.GadgetColorChange
Invokes the Visitors Visitor#visit(GadgetColorChange) method.
accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.RemoveGadgetChange
Invokes the Visitors Visitor#visit(RemoveGadgetChange) method.
accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange
Invokes the Visitors Visitor#visit(UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange) method.
accept(DashboardChange.Visitor) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateLayoutChange
Invokes the Visitors Visitor#visit(UpdateLayoutChange) method.
ActivityService - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Interface for handling Activity requests.
ActivityServiceException - Exception in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Thrown if there is a problem while performing an operation in the ActivityService
ActivityServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityServiceException
ActivityServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityServiceException
ActivityServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityServiceException
add(URI) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStore
Adds a gadget spec URI to this store and returns an ExternalGadgetSpec wrapper for it.
AddGadgetChange - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Details of adding a gadget to a dashboard.
AddGadgetChange(GadgetState, DashboardState.ColumnIndex, int) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.AddGadgetChange
allows(URI) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.Whitelist
Returns true if the URI is in the whitelist of remote systems that are appropriate to make requests to, false otherwise.
AppDataService - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Interface for handling application data requests.
AppDataServiceException - Exception in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Thrown if there is a problem while performing an operation in the AppDataService
AppDataServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataServiceException
AppDataServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataServiceException
AppDataServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataServiceException


canConfigureDirectory(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.DirectoryPermissionService
Returns true if the user identified by username has permission to add new external gadgets to the directory, remove external gadgets that were previously added, and otherwise configure the directory.
com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi - package com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).
com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes - package com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
This package contains classes for managing changes to the dashboard state.
com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util - package com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util
Contains utility and helper classes for all host applications.
com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi - package com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).
com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi - package com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) for OpenSocial requests.
com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher.spi - package com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher.spi
Contains the service provider interfaces (SPIs) that host applications must implement in order to use the dashboard plugin(s).
contains(URI) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStore
Returns true if the URI is in the store, false otherwise.
createActivity(PersonId, AppId, Activity, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityService
Creates the passed in activity for the passed in user and group.
createGadgetState(URI) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.GadgetStateFactory
Constructs a new GadgetState instance for the specified gadget spec URI.


DashboardChange - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Interface for operations that can be performed to update a DashboardState.
DashboardChange.Visitor - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Visitor which allows for dynamic dispatching of implementations based on the type of change.
DashboardPermissionService - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Provide a way to determine if a user has permission to perform the given operations on a dashboard.
DashboardStateStore - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Provides a means for looking up, updating and removing DashboardState objects to/from the persistent store.
DashboardStateStoreException - Exception in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Thrown when there is a problem while performing an operation on the persistent data store.
DashboardStateStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStoreException
DashboardStateStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStoreException
DashboardStateStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStoreException
deleteActivities(PersonId, AppId, Set<String>, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityService
Deletes the activity for the passed in person that corresponds to the activityIds.
deletePersonData(PersonId, AppId, Set<String>, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataService
Delete all application data for the specified person and fields
deletePersonData(PersonId, AppId, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataService
Delete all application data for the specified person and all fields
DirectoryPermissionService - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Provide a way to determine if a user has permission to perform the given operations on the directory.


entries() - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStore
Retrieves all ExternalGadgetSpecs from the data store.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId
ExternalGadgetSpec - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Models an external gadget spec, which is simply a gadget spec hosted on a web server (as opposed to an internal gadget spec which is stored inside the plugin bundle).
ExternalGadgetSpec(ExternalGadgetSpecId, URI) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpec
ExternalGadgetSpecId - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Represents the unique identifier of an ExternalGadgetSpec.
ExternalGadgetSpecId(String) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId
ExternalGadgetSpecStore - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Provides a means for storing, retrieving, and modifying a collection of external gadget spec URIs.
ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException - Exception in com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi
Thrown when there is a problem while performing an operation on the external gadget spec URI persistent data store.
ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException() - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException
ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException
ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException
ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStoreException


findDashboardWithGadget(GadgetId) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStore
Retrieve the DashboardState for the dashboard containing the gadget whose identifier is gadgetID


GadgetColorChange - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Details of changing the color of a gadget on a dashboard.
GadgetColorChange(GadgetId, Color) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.GadgetColorChange
GadgetLayout - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Defines how gadgets should be layed out on a dashboard.
GadgetLayout(List<? extends Iterable<GadgetId>>) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.GadgetLayout
GadgetSpecUrlRenderPermission - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Used to check if a gadget spec URI is allowed to render on a dashboard.
GadgetStateFactory - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi
Constructs GadgetState instances for gadget spec URIs.
getActivities(Set<PersonId>, AppId, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityService
Returns a list of activities that correspond to the passed in users
getActivities(PersonId, AppId, Set<String>, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityService
Returns a list of activities for the passed in person that corresponds to a list of activityIds.
getActivity(PersonId, AppId, String, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.ActivityService
Returns an activity for the passed in person that corresponds to an activityId
getColor() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.GadgetColorChange
Get the updated gadget color
getColumnIndex() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.AddGadgetChange
Get the index of the column where the gadget is being added
getGadgetId() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.GadgetColorChange
Get the id of the gadget we are changing the color of
getGadgetId() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.RemoveGadgetChange
Get the id of the gadget we are removing
getGadgetId() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange
Get the id of the gadget we are updating user prefs for
getGadgetLayout() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateLayoutChange
Get the layout of all the Gadgets on the dashboard
getGadgetsInColumn(int) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.GadgetLayout
Returns the IDs of the gadgets that appear in a given column.
getId() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpec
Returns the ID of this ExternalGadgetSpec, guaranteed to be unique across the host application.
getLayout() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateLayoutChange
Get the Layout type, e.g.
getNumberOfColumns() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.GadgetLayout
Returns the number of columns that should be on the dashboard.
getPeople(Set<String>, Group, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.PersonService
Returns a List corresponding to the group members of the passed in person IDs
getPeopleData(Set<PersonId>, AppId, Set<String>, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataService
Fetch the application data for the specified people
getPeopleData(Set<PersonId>, AppId, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataService
Fetch the application data for the specified people and all fields
getPerson(String, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.PersonService
Returns a Person corresponding to the personId
getPrefValues() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange
Get the updated user pref values
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.AddGadgetChange
Get the index of the row where the gadget is being added
getSpecUri() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpec
Returns the spec URI.
getState() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.AddGadgetChange
Get the state of the gadget being added


hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId


init(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util.UserHasWritePermissionToDashboard
isReadableBy(DashboardId, String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardPermissionService
Returns true if the user identified by username has permission to view the dashboard identified by the DashboardId, false otherwise.
isWritableBy(DashboardId, String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardPermissionService
Returns true if the user identified by username has permission to modify the dashboard identified by the DashboardId, false otherwise.


PersonService - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Interface for handling Person requests.
PersonServiceException - Exception in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
Thrown if there is a problem while performing an operation in the PersonService
PersonServiceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.PersonServiceException
PersonServiceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.PersonServiceException
PersonServiceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.PersonServiceException
PluginGadgetSpecProviderPermission - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher.spi
Used to check if a gadget spec that has been loaded from a plugin should appear in the gadget browser.


remove(DashboardId) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStore
Removes the DashboardState identified by the DashboardId from the persistent data store.
remove(ExternalGadgetSpecId) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecStore
Removes the spec URI corresponding to the specified externalGadgetSpecId from the persistent data store.
RemoveGadgetChange - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Details of removing a gadget from a dashboard.
RemoveGadgetChange(GadgetId) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.RemoveGadgetChange
retrieve(DashboardId) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStore
Retrieve the DashboardState with the DashboardId from the data store.


shouldDisplay(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util.UserHasWritePermissionToDashboard


toString() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId


update(DashboardState, Iterable<DashboardChange>) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.DashboardStateStore
Update the stored DashboardState in the persistent data store, using the changes passed in.
UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Details of updating the user preferences of a gadget on a dashboard.
UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange(GadgetId, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange
UpdateLayoutChange - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes
Details of updating the layout of a dashboard.
UpdateLayoutChange(Layout, GadgetLayout) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.UpdateLayoutChange
updatePersonData(PersonId, AppId, Map<String, String>, OpenSocialRequestContext) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.AppDataService
Update (add or modify) application data for the specified person with the specified field / value pairs.
UserHasWritePermissionToDashboard - Class in com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util
A Condition that can be used when creating web-items that allow the user to modify the dashboard in some way, such as by adding a gadget to it.
UserHasWritePermissionToDashboard(DashboardPermissionService) - Constructor for class com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.util.UserHasWritePermissionToDashboard


value() - Method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId
Returns the value of this ExternalGadgetSpecId as a String.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.atlassian.gadgets.directory.spi.ExternalGadgetSpecId
Converts the specified String into an ExternalGadgetSpecId.
visit(AddGadgetChange) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange.Visitor
Process the adding of a gadget.
visit(GadgetColorChange) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange.Visitor
Process a gadgets chrome color changing.
visit(RemoveGadgetChange) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange.Visitor
Process the removal of a gadget.
visit(UpdateGadgetUserPrefsChange) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange.Visitor
Process the updating of a gadgets user preferences.
visit(UpdateLayoutChange) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.dashboard.spi.changes.DashboardChange.Visitor
Process a dashboard layout update.
voteOn(String) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi.GadgetSpecUrlRenderPermission
Returns the implementation's Vote on whether the specified gadget spec should be allowed to render.
voteOn(PluginGadgetSpec) - Method in interface com.atlassian.gadgets.publisher.spi.PluginGadgetSpecProviderPermission
Returns the implementation's Vote on whether the specified gadget spec should be appear in the gadget browser.


Whitelist - Interface in com.atlassian.gadgets.opensocial.spi
A whitelist to determine what remote systems an administrator has deemed appropriate to make requests to.


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