JIRA Report

Type Key Summary Priority Fix Version
Task AG-797 Document the Gadget JavaScript Library Major  
Bug AG-785 NullPointerException on DTAC Blocker 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-792 OutOfMemoryError running integration tests Blocker 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-843 Inconsistent test failure in UserPrefsTest Blocker 1.0.0.m13
Improvement AG-749 Performance improvements in DashboardStateStore Critical 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-799 Positioning bug with tabs and drag and drop Critical 1.0.0.m13
New Feature AG-806 Add findDashboardWithGadget(GadgetId) to DashboardStateStore Critical 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-29 Evaluate security options for the gadget HTTP proxy Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-319 Evaluate and determine proper setting for lockedDomain Shindig property Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-320 Evaluate and determine proper setting for securityTokenType Shindig property Major 1.0.0.m13
Story AG-321 Evaluate Shindig renderer security options Major 1.0.0.m13
Improvement AG-705 use isDisplayed instead of none style check in GadgetTabsTest Major 1.0.0.m13
Improvement AG-728 Clean up output from tests Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-757 GadgetViewFactory/ViewSettings API changes Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-770 Remove superfluous assertions from UrlUtilsTest Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-772 Merge UrlUtils and Uri Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-774 GadgetSpecUrlRenderPermissionServletFilter should check for null ctor params Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-775 GadgetSpecFactoryImpl should check for null ctor params Major 1.0.0.m13
Task AG-776 Integration test for OAuth makeRequest Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-777 Rename View to ViewType, rename ViewSettings to View Major 1.0.0.m13
Task AG-784 GadgetSpec should be a concrete, immutable class Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-787 Adding a new gadgets adds it to the bottom of the column instead of the top Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-794 oauthcallback relies on a Google URL Major 1.0.0.m13
Task AG-801 UserPrefSpec should be a concrete, immutable class similar to GadgetSpec Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-807 Column layout options are not getting displayed properly in IE 7 Major 1.0.0.m13
Sub-task AG-816 IE7: Layout dialog skews width badly Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-821 Memory Leak in Shindig Major 1.0.0.m13
Improvement AG-831 Use visitor pattern for dashboard changes Major 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-835 Re-name 'name' vars in test gadgets because Safari is retarded Major 1.0.0.m13
Task AG-559 Upgrade HtmlUnit to 2.5 Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-682 User is not able to expand a minimized gadget dragged from another column. Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-690 URL title not showing up with certain colours Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-692 Deletion of an external gadget(present on user's dashboard) by admin from gadget browser, show gadget with HTTP 410 status on user's dashboard Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-759 Problems with Canvas mode and Minimization Minor 1.0.0.m13
Improvement AG-778 Add tests for GadgetViewFactoryImpl Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-789 The TestWebResource Gadget's background changes color on hover Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-815 Gadget drop down is not fully acessible if the gadget is last in the column and minimized Minor 1.0.0.m13
Bug AG-763 Add Gadget performance regression in refimpl Critical 1.0.0.m12
Sub-task AG-481 Put the ui-tests module back in the parent POM Major 1.0.0.m12
Sub-task AG-483 Allow Selenium tests to be run from Maven on local development builds Major 1.0.0.m12
Task AG-536 Ensure Shindig can work from behind a web proxy Major 1.0.0.m12
Improvement AG-696 Fix GadgetUrlBuilder string concatenation and reenable associated checkstyle check Major 1.0.0.m12
Sub-task AG-764 Remove .iml file from ui-tests Major 1.0.0.m12
Improvement AG-745 Refactor GadgetResourceTest Minor 1.0.0.m12
Task AG-767 Project structure clean-up Minor 1.0.0.m12
Bug AG-758 Drag & Drop is broken Blocker 1.0.0.m11.1
Bug AG-750 Build error: Unresolved constraint in bundle 25: package; (package=org.apache.commons.beanutils) Blocker 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
New Feature AG-41 Write tests to confirm support for Gadget tabs Feature Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-255 stop escaping some text Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Story AG-430 Upgrade Shindig Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-538 DashboardTester should have methods: createReadWriteDashboard(), createReadOnlyDashboard(), createPrivateDashboard() that handle IDs internally Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Bug AG-602 Incorrect use of PluginSettingsFactory.createSettingsForKey Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-607 GadgetViewFactory should allow view parameters to be specified Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-676 Code refactorings dependent on google collections 1.0-rc1 Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Bug AG-679 XSS bug due to dashboard title not being escaped Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-686 Don't allow creation of inconsistent DashboardState objects Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-698 Update vendor branch from upstream version 1.0-incubating Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-699 Update AG to new vendor branch Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Bug AG-704 Compilation errors during site build Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-714 Release Shindig vendor branch Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-716 Update Shindig to Google Collections 1.0-rc1 Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Task AG-717 Swith to using external json bundle Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Bug AG-718 AG plugins should be system plugins Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-722 Update Shindig to OAuth Core v20090221 Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-725 Store and retrieve security token session handle and expiration time Major 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Task AG-651 Upgrade to Google Collections 1.0 RC Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-677 Swap color1 and color4 Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-712 Refactor utility methods in DashboardResourceTestBase into DashboardTester Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Bug AG-730 JDK 1.6 build fails with "PermGen space" error Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Task AG-731 Improved Atlassian IDE Plugin settings Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Sub-task AG-742 Convert AtlassianContainerConfig to implement ContainerConfig directly Minor 1.0.0.m11 (Iteration 21)
Improvement AG-529 Use the GadgetSpec Title Url property when rendering a gadget's chrome Major Iteration 20
Improvement AG-628 Refactor tests to prevent duplication Major Iteration 20
Task AG-637 Create an overall architecture diagram for AG Major Iteration 20
Task AG-648 Wrap uses of PluginSettings in TransactionTemplates Major Iteration 20
Bug AG-656 GadgetUrlBuilder should URL-encode gadget id Major Iteration 20
Bug AG-675 Memory Leak in Guice Major Iteration 20
New Feature AG-680 Add ability to retrieve a dashboard's gadget representations from REST API Major Iteration 20
Bug AG-684 API change Major Iteration 20
Improvement AG-687 Integration Tests shouldn't rely on external network access Major Iteration 20
Improvement AG-650 Create a builder for GadgetRequestContext Minor Iteration 20
Improvement AG-658 Internationalize response entities in the server Minor Iteration 20
Bug AG-678 JIRA issues gadget ignores number of entries preference Minor Iteration 20
Bug AG-586 Sample gadgets not available Critical Iteration 19
Bug AG-645 Remove gadget spec ID from TokenStore.Key used to store access tokens Critical Iteration 19
Bug AG-657 Multiple popup windows Critical Iteration 19
Task AG-257 Make separate library for reusing common gadget code Major Iteration 19
Task AG-431 Fix up #requireResource and #staticResourceUrl macros Major Iteration 19
Task AG-619 Remove RequestCacheSetting Major Iteration 19
Sub-task AG-630 Add CheckStyle to Build Major Iteration 19
Story AG-632 Create Gadgets for Summit Demo Major Iteration 19
Sub-task AG-633 Crucible Gadget Major Iteration 19
Sub-task AG-635 Create JQL gadget Major Iteration 19
Task AG-639 leftover changes from CR-AG-386 / AG-396 Major Iteration 19
Task AG-640 Jersey parameters improvements Major Iteration 19
Bug AG-643 NPE on consumer when no service name is specified in OAuth gadget Major Iteration 19
Bug AG-663 Eliminate inefficient uses of keySet iterators Major Iteration 19
Bug AG-664 better styling for the Mini-Message messages Major Iteration 19
Sub-task AG-185 Add a static analyzer to the Maven build Minor Iteration 19
Task AG-574 Add maven property for JAXB OSGi imports Minor Iteration 19