
Lint at line 203 character 79: Use '===' to compare with ''.
if (!fieldValues[this.name] || fieldValues[this.name] == "") {

Lint at line 208 character 21: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
for (var name in fieldValues) {


Lint at line 44 character 17: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "    

" + body + "

\n" Lint at line 45 character 17: Bad line breaking before '+'. + "
"; Lint at line 74 character 34: Expected '{' and instead saw 'url'. if (!/\?/.test(url)) url += "?"; Lint at line 75 character 39: Expected '{' and instead saw 'url'. else if (!/&$/.test(url)) url += "&"; Lint at line 163 character 17: Expected '{' and instead saw 'classNm'. classNm += "-inner"; Lint at line 229 character 21: Expected '{' and instead saw 'showPopup'. showPopup(msg, classNm, dismissible); Lint at line 231 character 21: Expected '{' and instead saw 'showInline'. showInline(msg, classNm, dismissible); Lint at line 299 character 18: Expected '{' and instead saw 'var'. else var expires = ""; Lint at line 299 character 30: 'expires' is already defined. else var expires = ""; Lint at line 316 character 42: Expected '{' and instead saw 'c'. while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); Lint at line 317 character 39: Use '===' to compare with '0'. if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); Lint at line 317 character 45: Expected '{' and instead saw 'return'. if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); Lint at line 585 character 13: Bad line breaking before '+'. + " in your gadget XML:\n" Lint at line 586 character 13: Bad line breaking before '+'. + "\n" Lint at line 587 character 13: Bad line breaking before '+'. + "#oauth"; Lint at line 633 character 20: Missing radix parameter. return parseInt(AJS.$("body").attr("scrollHeight")) > AJS.$("body").outerHeight(); Lint at line 685 character 10: Unnecessary semicolon. }; Lint at line 691 character 25: Expected '{' and instead saw 'gadgets'. gadgets.window.adjustHeight(AJS.$("body").attr("scrollHeight")); Lint at line 697 character 25: Expected '{' and instead saw 'gadget'. gadget.resize(iframeAsContainerHandler.restoreHeight);


Lint at line 113 character 21: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "you need to include to  to  in your gadget XML";

Lint at line 161 character 21: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "NOT have write permission");


No problems found


Lint at line 99 character 21: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "');}return p.join('');";

Lint at line 101 character 34: The Function constructor is eval.
fn = new Function("obj", fnString);

Lint at line 260 character 34: 'fragment' is already defined.
var fragment = renderTemplate(that.build.template, data);

Lint at line 278 character 38: 'fragment' is already defined.
var fragment = renderTemplate(that.build.template, data);


No problems found


No problems found


Lint at line 84 character 17: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (val == null) {

Lint at line 211 character 25: 'options' was used before it was defined.
var options = usrOptions;

Lint at line 252 character 46: Expected a 'break' statement before 'case'.
gadgetContentType = "DOM";

Lint at line 281 character 28: ['OAUTH_USE_TOKEN'] is better written in dot notation.
reqOptions["OAUTH_USE_TOKEN"] = options.useToken;

Lint at line 304 character 39: Missing semicolon.
prefix = "&"


No problems found


No problems found


No problems found


No problems found


Lint at line 77 character 13: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ " to  in your "

Lint at line 78 character 13: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "gadget XML.";

Lint at line 112 character 25: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "add  to  "

Lint at line 113 character 25: Bad line breaking before '+'.
+ "in your gadget XML.";


No problems found


Lint at line 95 character 29: Missing radix parameter.
if (bodyWidth < parseInt(AJS.$(".view").attr("scrollWidth"))) {

Lint at line 99 character 25: Missing radix parameter.
parseInt(gadget.getView().attr("scrollWidth")) === gadget.getView().width()) {