
This report was build with JSLint, the JavaScript Verifier. JSLint is a JavaScript program that looks for problems in other JavaScript programs.

Here is the list of files in this report:


Lint at line 70 character 20: 'button' is already defined.
var button = $(button);

Lint at line 82 character 20: 'button' is already defined.
var button = $(button);

Lint at line 111 character 20: 'button' is already defined.
var button = $(button);

Lint at line 131 character 48: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if ($('#add-gadget-url').attr('value') != "") {

Lint at line 189 character 56: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if (gadget.thumbnailUri && gadget.thumbnailUri != "") {

Lint at line 193 character 54: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if (gadget.description && gadget.description != "") {

Lint at line 199 character 52: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if (gadget.authorName && gadget.authorName != "") {

Lint at line 205 character 48: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if (gadget.titleUri && gadget.titleUri != "") {

Lint at line 301 character 35: Use '===' to compare with ''.
if (searchInput.val() == "") {

Lint at line 356 character 58: ['all'] is better written in dot notation.
mb.page[0].addPanel(AJS.params.all, categoryDivs["all"]);

Lint at line 367 character 22: Use '!==' to compare with 'null'.
if(gadgetUrl != null) {


No problems found


Lint at line 83 character 48: Use '!==' to compare with ''.
if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {


Lint at line 12 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (value == null) {

Lint at line 37 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (start == null) {

Lint at line 51 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (value == null) {

Lint at line 70 character 23: Use '===' to compare with 'null'.
if (start == null) {


Lint at line 5 character 6: Unnecessary semicolon.

Lint at line 42 character 48: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
timer && clearTimeout(timer);

Lint at line 50 character 75: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
AJS.dropDown.current && AJS.dropDown.current.hide();

Lint at line 96 character 18: Bad for in variable 'i'.
for (i in queryParams) {

Lint at line 96 character 13: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
for (i in queryParams) {

Lint at line 145 character 71: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
AJS.dropDown.current && AJS.dropDown.current.hide();

Lint at line 408 character 55: Unnecessary semicolon.
if(this.match("color")){color = this;};

Lint at line 510 character 14: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.

Lint at line 517 character 63: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
AJS.dropDown.current && AJS.dropDown.current.hide();

Lint at line 637 character 54: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if ($(this).children("li.gadget").length == 0) {

Lint at line 639 character 62: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if ($(this).children("li.empty-text").length == 0) {

Lint at line 650 character 14: Unnecessary semicolon.

Lint at line 692 character 14: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
for (columns; columns > 0; --columns) {

Lint at line 703 character 14: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
for (columns; columns > 0; --columns) {

Lint at line 705 character 87: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if (column.children().length > 0 && column.children(".empty-text").length == 0) {

Lint at line 847 character 26: Use '===' to compare with ''.
if (this == "") {

Lint at line 875 character 52: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
else if (listValues.length == 0) {

Lint at line 882 character 22: Be careful when making functions within a loop. Consider putting the function in a closure.

Lint at line 890 character 61: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if ($("ul.faux-list", listContainer).length == 0) {


Lint at line 88 character 25: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
} else if (opt_maxAge == 0) {

Lint at line 97 character 40: Missing '()' invoking a constructor.
var futureDate = new Date((new Date).getTime() + opt_maxAge * 1000);

Lint at line 168 character 24: Expected a conditional expression and instead saw an assignment.
for (var i = 0; part = parts[i]; i++) {

Lint at line 206 character 26: Use '===' to compare with ''.
return document.cookie == '';

Lint at line 216 character 14: Use '===' to compare with ''.
if (cookie == '') {


Lint at line 43 character 23: Use '===' to compare with '0'.
if (--pending == 0) {

Lint at line 47 character 6: Be careful when making functions within a loop. Consider putting the function in a closure.

Lint at line 69 character 2: Missing semicolon.


Lint at line 57 character 3: The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.
for (var name in gadget.getUserPrefs()) {