Interface ApplicationDirectoryMapping

All Known Implementing Classes:
DirectoryMapping, ImmutableApplicationDirectoryMapping

public interface ApplicationDirectoryMapping
Represents a mapping of an application to a directory. Only directories with a mapping to an application are visible to the application.
  • Method Details

    • getDirectory

      Directory getDirectory()
      the directory mapped to the application
    • isAllowAllToAuthenticate

      boolean isAllowAllToAuthenticate()
      Returns true if all the users in the directory are allowed to authenticate with the application. If the value is false, then the user is required to be in an authorised group.
      true if all the users in the directory are allowed to authenticate with the application
      See Also:
    • getAuthorisedGroupNames

      Set<String> getAuthorisedGroupNames()
      Returns a set of mappings to groups that are authorised to authenticate with the application. This set is not used if isAllowAllToAuthenticate() returns true.
      set of mappings to groups that are authorised to authenticate with the application
    • getAllowedOperations

      Set<OperationType> getAllowedOperations()
      Returns a set of operations that the application is allowed to perform on the directory.
      set of operations that the application is allowed to perform on the directory