Package com.atlassian.crowd.exception
package com.atlassian.crowd.exception
ExceptionsClassDescriptionThrown when the account could not be found during an authentication attempt.Thrown to indicate that a user does not have access to authenticate against an application.Used to indicate that there exists an application with the same name as the one to be created.Thrown when an application is not found.Thrown to indicate that an Application does not have the required permission to perform the operation.Thrown to indicate that a bulk add operation has failed.
is the superclass of Crowd-specific exceptions that must be caught.Thrown when an operation failed because the directory is currently synchronising.Exception when aRemoteDirectory
implementation can not be loaded by aDirectory
.Thrown when a directory mapping could not be found for the given pair application and directory ids.Thrown when a directory could not be foundThrown when the credentials have expired.Exception raised due to usage of a explicitly disabled featureException related to feature being inaccessible due to licensing conditionsThrown when the specified group could not be found.Thrown when the account is inactive.Thrown when the attempted authentication is not valid.Thrown when the authenticated token is invalid.Thrown when the supplied credential is not valid.Thrown when a Crowd client is not communicating with a valid Crowd service.Thrown when the email address is not valid.Thrown to indicate an invalid model group.Thrown when a user tries to create a Nested Group membership that is not valid.Thrown when an invalid role is provided.Thrown when an invalid token is provided.Thrown to indicate that a membership cannot be added because it already exists.Used to denote that a particular USER-GROUP or GROUP-GROUP membership does not exist.Thrown when a user attempts to add a group to another group in a Directory that does not support nested groups.Thrown when an entity is not found.Represents an error when executing an operation on the remote directory failed for some reason.Thrown when the operation is not permitted.Checked exception thrown if the requested operation is not supported.An exception that is thrown if we have failed to encrypt a password with a given PasswordEncoderThis exception is thrown if noPasswordEncoder
is found when a lookup is done on thePasswordEncoderFactory
Permission Exception this Exception will handle Exceptions to do with CRUD operations on Applications, Directories etc.Thrown when a directory is asked to modify a group or its memberships which cannot be modified.Thrown to indicate that the token has expired and is not valid anymore.Thrown to indicate that the token does not exist in the server.Failure because this API call is only supported by a later version of Crowd.Thrown to indicate that a user already exists in the directory.Thrown when the specified user could not be found.Thrown to indicate that a Webhook does not exist on the server