Class AbstractClusterNodeHeartbeatService

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractClusterNodeHeartbeatService extends Object implements ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
Implementation of ClusterNodeHeartbeatService.

It is up to the concrete class to ensure that startHeartbeat() is called upon product startup.

The current heartbeat is one minute which is the finest that atlassian-scheduler currently allows.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractClusterNodeHeartbeatService

      public AbstractClusterNodeHeartbeatService(ClusterNodeHeartBeatDao clusterNodeHeartBeatDao, com.atlassian.scheduler.SchedulerService schedulerService)
  • Method Details

    • startHeartbeat

      protected void startHeartbeat() throws com.atlassian.scheduler.SchedulerServiceException
      The concrete class must ensure that this is called upon product startup, but after the DB is available.
      com.atlassian.scheduler.SchedulerServiceException - if the heartbeat job could not be scheduled. This should be considered a fatal exception.
    • getNodeId

      @Nonnull public String getNodeId()
      Description copied from interface: ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      Returns the node ID for this node.
      Specified by:
      getNodeId in interface ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      the node ID for this node.
    • isNodeLive

      public boolean isNodeLive(@Nonnull String nodeId)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      Checks whether the given cluster node is considered "live".

      Each live node will be writing a heartbeat on a set schedule (eg once a minute). A node is considered live if it has written a heartbeat within a reasonable tolerance level (eg 5 minutes).

      The tolerance level needs to be large enough to avoid certain expected slow-downs in the system including GC pauses, or just general slowness in the JVM / scheduler / network / database of the remote node.

      Specified by:
      isNodeLive in interface ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      nodeId - the cluster node to check
      true iff the given cluster node is still "live".
    • getLastHeartbeatTime

      public Long getLastHeartbeatTime(@Nonnull String nodeId)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      Returns the last time a heartbeat was sent by the given node.

      A null value indicates no heartbeats have ever been sent by the given node.

      Specified by:
      getLastHeartbeatTime in interface ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      nodeId - the node
      the last time a heartbeat was sent by the given node.
    • findLiveNodes

      @Nonnull public Collection<String> findLiveNodes()
      Description copied from interface: ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      Returns all nodes that have sent a heartbeat within the default threshold time.
      Specified by:
      findLiveNodes in interface ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      all nodes that have sent a heartbeat within the default threshold time.
      See Also:
    • findLiveNodes

      @Nonnull public Collection<String> findLiveNodes(long threshold)
      Description copied from interface: ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      Returns all nodes that have sent a heartbeat within the given threshold.
      Specified by:
      findLiveNodes in interface ClusterNodeHeartbeatService
      threshold - the threshold in milliseconds
      all nodes that have sent a heartbeat within the given threshold.
      See Also:
    • newHeartbeatJobRunner

      protected com.atlassian.scheduler.JobRunner newHeartbeatJobRunner()