Interface TimestampedEntity

All Known Subinterfaces:
InternalDirectoryGroup, TimestampedGroup, TimestampedUser
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApplicationImpl, DirectoryImpl, ImmutableDirectoryGroup, ImmutableDirectoryGroupWithAttributes, ImmutableTimestampedUser, ImmutableTimestampedUserWithAttributes, InternalDirectoryEntity, InternalEntity, InternalGroup, InternalUser, InternalUserWithAttributes, UserEntity

public interface TimestampedEntity
Some extra methods to add "created date" and "updated date" to Users and Groups. Currently this is only applicable to Internal Entities.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the date the entity was created.
    Returns the date the entity was last updated.
  • Method Details

    • getCreatedDate

      Date getCreatedDate()
      Returns the date the entity was created.
      date the entity was created
    • getUpdatedDate

      Date getUpdatedDate()
      Returns the date the entity was last updated.
      date the entity was last updated.