Interface CachedUserGroupResolver

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal public interface CachedUserGroupResolver
Allows lookups on users/groups stored in the database. Note that not all users/groups are necessarily stored in the database, the exact semantic depends on the directory implementation
  • Method Details

    • findUsersByIds

      Map<Long,User> findUsersByIds(Collection<Long> userIds)
      Bulk find users with the specified database identifiers. The result collection may be smaller than the input if ids that did not match with any users were supplied
      userIds - identifiers of users that will be found
      the matching users
    • findGroupsByIds

      Map<Long,Group> findGroupsByIds(Collection<Long> groupIds)
      Bulk find groups with the specified database identifiers. The result collection may be smaller than the input if ids that did not match with any users were supplied
      groupIds - identifiers of groups that will be found
      the matching groups