Interface AvatarProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AvatarProvider
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final AvatarProvider
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getHostedUserAvatarUrl(long applicationId, String username, int sizeHint)
    Gets a URL for a Crowd-hosted avatar, identified by name, and specific to an application.
    getUserAvatar(User user, int sizeHint)
    Gets a URL for an avatar based on the information in this User, if one is available.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getUserAvatar

      @Nullable URI getUserAvatar(User user, int sizeHint)
      Gets a URL for an avatar based on the information in this User, if one is available. This may consider the email address or some other property, as opposed to an avatar provided by a remote directory. This may point back to the same Crowd server or to another service. The URI should be evaluated relative to Crowd's base URL.
      user - the user to fetch an avatar for, as returned from a find method
      sizeHint - a hint in pixels for how large the image should be
    • getHostedUserAvatarUrl

      @Nullable URI getHostedUserAvatarUrl(long applicationId, String username, int sizeHint)
      Gets a URL for a Crowd-hosted avatar, identified by name, and specific to an application. The avatar will be based on that application's directory mappings and may come from the underlying directory, rather than being derived from the details of a User object.