Uses of Package
ClassDescriptionThis granted authority is assigned to users authenticated to the Crowd applicationThe CrowdAuthenticationProvider can be used in both SSO and non-SSO mode.The authentication details for an AuthenticationToken.A CrowdSSOAuthenticationToken can be used to represent an authentication request consisting of the Crowd SSO Token String (credential) and HTTP ValidationFactors (details).Represents a failed authentication attempt using an SSO token that is not valid.An extension to the standard ProviderManager implementation of the AuthenticationManager wich allows adding and removing provider managers at runtime.Application-aware local authentication provider.Input data for REST login endpoint.Maps request paths (Ant format) to application names.
ClassDescriptionRepresents a failed authentication attempt using an SSO token that is not valid.
ClassDescriptionThe CrowdAuthenticationProvider can be used in both SSO and non-SSO mode.Application-aware local authentication provider.
ClassDescriptionAn extension to the standard ProviderManager implementation of the AuthenticationManager wich allows adding and removing provider managers at runtime.Maps request paths (Ant format) to application names.