Interface CrowdHttpTokenHelper

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CrowdHttpTokenHelper
Helper class for Crowd SSO token operations.
  • Method Details

    • getCrowdToken

      String getCrowdToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String tokenName)
      Retrieves the Crowd authentication token from the request either via:
      1. a request attribute (not request parameter), OR
      2. a cookie on the request
      request - request to look for the Crowd SSO token.
      tokenName - name of the request attribute and cookie for the Crowd SSO token.
      value of the token if found, otherwise null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the request or tokenName is null
    • removeCrowdToken

      void removeCrowdToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, ClientProperties clientProperties, CookieConfiguration cookieConfig)
      Removes the Crowd SSO token. Deletes the token cookie by session the cookie in the response to max age of 0; and removes the token attributes from the request.
      request - request to invalidate the client for.
      response - response to invalidate the cookie for. Can be null.
      clientProperties - properties of the client
      cookieConfig - cookie configuration. Can be null if response is null since no cookie will be set.
    • setCrowdToken

      void setCrowdToken(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, String token, ClientProperties clientProperties, CookieConfiguration cookieConfig)
      Sets the Crowd SSO token in:
      1. the request: as an attribute, so the user is authenticated for the span of the request.
      2. the response: as a cookie, so the user is authenticated for subsequent requests.
      Also sets the last session validation date/time.
      request - request to set the attribute and session attribute for.
      response - response to set the cookie for. Can be null.
      token - token value to use.
      clientProperties - properties of the client
      cookieConfig - Cookie configuration
    • getUserAuthenticationContext

      UserAuthenticationContext getUserAuthenticationContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, String username, String password, ClientProperties clientProperties)
      Returns the user authentication context from a request.
      request - HttpRequest object
      username - user's name
      password - user's password
      clientProperties - properties of the client
    • getValidationFactorExtractor

      CrowdHttpValidationFactorExtractor getValidationFactorExtractor()
      Returns the ValidationFactor extractor.
      validation factor extractor