Interface AzureAdRestClientFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AzureAdRestClientFactory
Creates an AzureAdRestClient and all of its dependencies, using the given Azure application data.
  • Method Details

    • create

      AzureAdRestClient create(String clientId, String clientSecret, String tenantId, AzureApiUriResolver endpointDataProvider, long connectionTimeout, long readTimeout)
      clientId - Client ID of the web application used to communicate with Azure
      clientSecret - Client secret of the web application used to communicate with Azure
      tenantId - ID or name of the Azure tenant to use
      endpointDataProvider - Endpoint data provider appropriate for tenant's region
      connectionTimeout - The connection timeout to use when communicating with Microsoft Entra ID
      readTimeout - The read timeout to use when communicating with Microsoft Entra ID
      an instance of AzureAdRestClient, configured to use the specified parameters
    • create

      default AzureAdPagingWrapper create(AzureAdRestClient restClient)
      restClient - the REST client which should be wrapped by the paging wrapper
      a wrapper class for paging Microsoft Entra ID results