Package com.atlassian.crowd.util.persistence.hibernate

Class Summary
BooleanStringUserType Boolean implementation that allows us to store Booleans as "true" and "false".
BooleanTypeDescriptor An AbstractTypeDescriptor which maps Java Boolean values to String values containing either "true" or "false".
ConfigurableLocalSessionFactoryBean Extends Spring's Hibernate 4-compatible LocalSessionFactoryBean with properties to restore various bits of functionality that were present in their Hibernate 3 version, as well as to add new Crowd-specific functionality.
EhCacheProvider A simple wrapper around EhCacheRegionFactory, part of the hibernate-ehcache module, which extracts the CacheManager from properties provided to the constructor rather than initialising one on the fly.
EmptyStringUserType This class is now an alias for EmptyStringUserType from the atlassian-hibernate-extras library.
GenericEnumUserType This class is now an alias for GenericEnumUserType from the atlassian-hibernate-extras library.
HibernateDao Generic persistence class for storing Hibernate persistence objects.
MappingResources Stores a collection of hbm.xml mapping files.
SchemaHelper Migrated from bucket.
SQLServerIntlDialect A dialect for MS SQL Server 2000 & 2005, which supports unicode characters (CWD-1070)
TransparentConfiguration Helper class to allow visibility of tables in a Hibernate Configuration.

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