Package com.atlassian.crowd.password.encoder

Interface Summary
InternalPasswordEncoder A marker interface to show that a password encoder is supported by Crowd's Internal Directory.
LdapPasswordEncoder A marker interface to show that a password encoder is supported by LDAP based directories.
PasswordEncoder Defines the operations and requirements for a class that needs to handle password operations in Crowd
UpgradeablePasswordEncoder Password encoder which provides a way to ask if the password should be re-encoded as it does not match the encoding format of the most secure underlying encoder.

Class Summary
AtlassianSecurityPasswordEncoder This class is responsible for encoding and validating passwords using Atlassian Password Encoder from Atlassian Security project, while also validating passwords encoded in Atlassian SHA1 format in order to be backwards compatible.
AtlassianSHA1PasswordEncoder The Atlassian implementation of the SHA-1 password encoder, based on the OSUser implementation.
DESPasswordEncoder This encoder implements the DES algorithm
LdapMd5PasswordEncoder A version of Md5PasswordEncoder which supports an Ldap version via having a label of "{MD5}" preappended to the encoded hash.
LdapShaPasswordEncoder An LDAP based SHA encoder that extends org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.LdapShaPasswordEncoder
LdapSshaPasswordEncoder This class overrides the to specifically add salt to the SSHA if it has not been provided
PlaintextPasswordEncoder A plaintext password encoder

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