Package com.atlassian.crowd.migration.verify

Interface Summary
Verifier Responsible for verifying the correctness of an XML backup.

Class Summary
DatabaseVerificationManager This manager will look after verifiers that need to run against the legacy database before migration to validate that the migration can proceed.
DatabaseVerifier Responsible for verifying the correctness/compatibility of pre 2.0 database to 2.0+ database
LegacyDatabaseVerifier Pretty much a copy/paste of LegacyXmlVerifier - just that info is taken from database instead of XML document

Responsible for verifying the correctness of the legacy database

Currently this verifies that roles and groups within a directory have different names (case-insensitive comparison).

LegacyXmlVerifier Responsible for verifying the correctness of a legacy XML backup.
VerificationManager This manager will look after verifiers that need to run against the imported XML document before import to validate that the import can proceed.
VersionMismatchVerifier This class will validate the correctness of an XML file to be imported into the currently running version of Crowd.

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