Package com.atlassian.crowd.integration.springsecurity

Interface Summary
DynamicProviderManager An extension to the standard ProviderManager implementation of the AuthenticationManager wich allows adding and removing provider managers at runtime.
RequestToApplicationMapper Maps request paths (Ant format) to application names.

Class Summary
CrowdAuthenticationProvider The CrowdAuthenticationProvider can be used in both SSO and non-SSO mode.
CrowdLogoutHandler Logout handler to logout of Crowd and remove the Crowd SSO token cookie.
CrowdSSOAuthenticationDetails The authentication details for an AuthenticationToken.
CrowdSSOAuthenticationProcessingFilter The CrowdSSOAuthenticationProcessingFilter is to be used in conjunction with the CrowdAuthenticationProvider to provide SSO authentication.
CrowdSSOAuthenticationToken A CrowdSSOAuthenticationToken can be used to represent an authentication request consisting of the Crowd SSO Token String (credential) and HTTP ValidationFactors (details).
DynamicProviderManagerImpl An extension to the standard ProviderManager implementation of the AuthenticationManager wich allows adding and removing provider managers at runtime.
RemoteCrowdAuthenticationProvider A concrete implementation of the CrowdAuthenticationProvider that uses the crowd client libraries (SOAP) to communicate with the Crowd server.
RequestToApplicationMapperImpl Maps request paths (Ant format) to application names.

Exception Summary
CrowdAccessDeniedException Although this is an authorisation exception, Crowd combines authentication and authorisation in one call to the Crowd server to determine if a user is allowed access to a particular remote application.
CrowdSSOTokenInvalidException Represents a failed authentication attempt using an SSO token that is not valid.

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