Package com.atlassian.crowd.integration.exception

Exception Summary
ApplicationAccessDeniedException Thrown when a User does not have access to authenticate against application.
ApplicationPermissionException This is Exception is thrown if an Application does not have a required permission.
BulkAddFailedException An exception that is raised when the Bulk Creation of users failed.
CheckedSoapException Base class of all checked SOAP exceptions.
ExpiredCredentialException Thrown when the user's credentials have expired.
InactiveAccountException Thrown when the user's account is inactive.
InvalidAuthenticationException Thrown when the attempted authentication is not valid.
InvalidAuthorizationTokenException Thrown when the authenticated token is invalid.
InvalidCredentialException Thrown when the supplied credential is not valid.
InvalidDirectoryEntityException Base class of directory entity (e.g.
InvalidEmailAddressException Thrown when the email address is not valid.
InvalidGroupException An exception to denote an invalid group.
InvalidRoleException An exception to denote an invalid group (of type Role).
InvalidTokenException Thrown when an invalid token is provided.
InvalidUserException An exception to denote an invalid model user.
ObjectNotFoundException Thrown when an entity is not found.

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