Package com.atlassian.crowd.manager.application

Interface Summary
AliasManager API to manage application-specific user aliases.
ApplicationManager Application management API.
ApplicationService The exposed service provided by Crowd to client applications.

Class Summary
CachingApplicationService Implementation of ApplicationService which caches the result of ApplicationService methods.
ResultsAggregator<T> An aggregator across results from multiple queries that may include duplicates.
TranslatingApplicationService This class is responsible for translating application specific usernames (aliased usernames) to directory specific usernames (unaliased usernames) and the other way around.

Exception Summary
AliasAlreadyInUseException Used to indicate that an alias is already by another application user.
ApplicationAccessDeniedException Thrown if user does not have access to a particular application and attempts to authenticate against it.
ApplicationManagerException Represents an error attempting to modify application configuration.

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