Package com.atlassian.crowd.event.listener

Class Summary
ApplicationRemoteAddressListener Listens to events affecting the Application's list of permitted remote addresses.
LicenseResourceLimitListener Will send an email to the Crowd Administrator letting them know that they are reaching their license limit (within 90%).
RequestResetPasswordListener Listener responsible for handling RequestResetPasswordEvent's by sending an email to the user, letting them know their new password.
RequestUsernamesListener Listener responsible for handling RequestUsernamesEvent's by sending an email to the user, letting them know their new password.
SetLdapConnectionSettingsListener Will update the LDAP connection pool system settings after the application started up.
UserDirectoryTokenRemovalListener Deletes the appropriate Tokens when a User or Directory is deleted.
XWorkChangeListener Event listener that is interested in changes to the Xwork configuration

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