Package com.atlassian.crowd.embedded.impl

Class Summary
AbstractDelegatingEntityWithAttributes Abstract class providing a delegating implementation of the Attributes interface.
ConnectionPoolPropertyConstants Class containing the properties related to a connection pool.
DefaultConnectionPoolProperties Form-backing bean used to set default values in the connection pool UI and convert the values for storage as application attributes.
DelegatingGroupWithAttributes Implementation of GroupWithAttributes that simply delegates to an underlying Group and Attributes object.
DelegatingUserWithAttributes Implementation of UserWithAttributes that simply delegates to an underlying User and Attributes object.
IdentifierMap<V> This class behaves like a HashMap with lower-case String keys.
IdentifierSet This class behaves like a HashSet with lower-case String values.
ImmutableAttributes A general purpose immutable implementation of the Attributes interface.
ImmutableDirectory.Builder Used to aid in the construction of an ImmutableDirectory.
ImmutableGroup A general purpose immutable implementation of the Group interface.
ImmutableUser A general purpose immutable implementation of the User interface.
ImmutableUser.Builder Used to aid in the construction of an Immutable User object.

Enum Summary
SystemConnectionPoolProperties Represents the LDAP connection pool properties which are set as system properties.

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