
Interface Summary
InternalDirectoryUtils Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
InternalRemoteDirectory This interface represents a specialised extension of RemoteDirectory that is used by InternalDirectories.
LDAPDirectory Contains methods specific to LDAP direcotories.
RemoteDirectory Gateway to perform operations on the physical remote directory.
SynchronisableDirectory A RemoteDirectory that holds a local cache to remote data.

Class Summary
AbstractInternalDirectory This class holds methods that are common to both InternalDirectory and CachingDirectory.
AppleOpenDirectory Provides limited support for Apple's Open Directory.
AttributeValuesHolder Concrete implementation of Attributes interface.
CachingDirectory This InternalDirectory is used for locally caching Users and Groups from an external Directory.
DbCachingDirectoryPoller A Directory poller for the DbCachingRemoteDirectory.
DbCachingRemoteDirectory A RemoteDirectory that provides LDAP and Crowd integration plus local storage in an internal directory for LDAP user and group attributes, and local groups for LDAP and Crowd users with local caching of remote data.
DelegatedAuthenticationDirectory This implementation of a RemoteDirectory provides delegated authentication to an underlying remote LDAP implementation.
DirectoryProperties Contains properties for Directory.
FedoraDS Read-only directory connector for FedoraDS running the Posix schema.
GenericLDAP Generic LDAP connector.
InternalDirectory Internal directory connector.
MicrosoftActiveDirectory Microsoft Active Directory connector.
NovelleDirectory Novell eDirectory LDAP connector.
Rfc2307 This class provides read-only support for the POSIX LDAP Schema (RFC2307)
RFC2307Directory Read-only, non-nesting implementation of RFC2307 user-group membership interactions.
RFC4519Directory Read-write, nesting-aware implementation of RFC4519 user-group membership interactions.
SpringLDAPConnectorAccessor This class is used for gaining access to non-public SpringLDAPConnector fields and methods .
SunONE Sun ONE / Sun DSEE Directory connector.
TimerStack A stack used for timing log messages

Exception Summary
ReadOnlyGroupException Thrown when a directory is asked to modify a group or its memberships which cannot be modified.

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