Package com.atlassian.crowd.password.encoder

Interface Summary
InternalPasswordEncoder A marker interface to show that a password encoder is supported by Crowd's Internal Directory.
LdapPasswordEncoder A marker interface to show that a password encoder is supported by LDAP based directories.
PasswordEncoder Defines the operations and requirements for a class that needs to handle password operations in Crowd

Class Summary
AtlassianSHA1PasswordEncoder The Atlassian implementation of the SHA-1 password encoder, based on the OSUser implementation that is based on the Bouncey Castle implementation
DESPasswordEncoder This encoder implements the DES algorithm
LdapMd5PasswordEncoder A version of Md5PasswordEncoder which supports an Ldap version via having a label of "{MD5}" preappended to the encoded hash.
LdapShaPasswordEncoder An LDAP based SHA encoder that extends org.acegisecurity.providers.ldap.authenticator.LdapShaPasswordEncoder
LdapSshaPasswordEncoder This class overrides the LdapShaPasswordEncoder to specifically add salt to the SSHA if it has not been provided
PlaintextPasswordEncoder A plaintext password encoder

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