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1   /*
2    * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
3    * User: Scott Farquhar
4    * Date: 12/02/2002
5    * Time: 00:52:58
6    * To change template for new class use
7    * Code Style | Class Templates options (Tools | IDE Options).
8    */
9   package com.atlassian.core.util;
11  import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate;
13  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
15  /**
16   * Some common methods used against {@link Object} objects
17   */
18  public class ObjectUtils
19  {
20      private static final Predicate NOT_EMPTY_PREDICATE = new Predicate()
21      {
22          public boolean evaluate(Object o)
23          {
24              return isNotEmpty(o);
25          }
26      };
28      protected static Method hibernateGetClassMethod = null;
30      static
31      {
32         try
33         {
34             Class hibernateClass = ClassLoaderUtils.loadClass("net.sf.hibernate.Hibernate", ObjectUtils.class);
35             hibernateGetClassMethod = hibernateClass.getMethod("getClass", new Class[]{Object.class});
36         }
37         catch (Exception e)
38         {
39         }
40      }
43      /**
44       * @return True if both are null or equal, otherwise returns false
45       */
46      public static boolean isIdentical(Object a, Object b)
47      {
48          return !isDifferent(a, b);
49      }
51      /**
52       * @return False if both are null or equal, otherwise returns true
53       */
54      public static boolean isDifferent(Object a, Object b)
55      {
56          if ((a == null && b == null) || (a != null && a.equals(b)))
57          {
58              return false;
59          }
61          return true;
62      }
64      /**
65       * Similar to {@link org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils#isNotEmpty} but accepts a Sttring. Type safe
66       * @param o
67       * @return true if the object is not null && != ""
68       */
69      public static boolean isNotEmpty(Object o)
70      {
71          return o != null && !"".equals(o);
72      }
74      /**
75       * Returns a predicate for {@link #isNotEmpty(Object)}
76       * @return Predicate
77       */
78      public static Predicate getIsSetPredicate()
79      {
80          return NOT_EMPTY_PREDICATE;
81      }
83      /**
84       * Gets the true class of an object, trying to use Hibernate's proxy unwrapping tools if available on the classpath.
85       * <p />
86       * Otherwise simply returns the class of the object passed in if Hibernate not on the classpath.
87       * @param o The object to examine
88       * @return The true class of the object (unwrapping Hibernate proxies etc)
89       */
90      public static Class getTrueClass(Object o)
91      {
92          if (hibernateGetClassMethod != null)
93          {
94              try
95              {
96                  return (Class)hibernateGetClassMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] {o});
97              }
98              catch (Exception e)
99              {
100             }
101         }
103         return o.getClass();
104     }
105 }